Protecting and Preserving Virginia’s Natural Resources

Cleaning Up the Chesapeake Bay and Making a Commitment  to Conservation

The Commonwealth’s 3,300 miles of coastal resources provide significant economic contributions to tourism, recreation, commercial and sport fisheries, and wildlife enjoyment within our state. However, pollution, habitat loss, and other factors have taken their toll. A strong federal and state partnership is needed to more effectively tackle the critical issues facing our coastal, bay and ocean resources. Senator Warner believes that our federal and Bay state partners need to continue to work together to seek appropriate resources to preserve the Bay. Senator Warner intends to remain an active advocate for protecting the Bay, and has supported efforts to restore the Bay’s oyster population and commercial fisheries. 

Legislative Action

  • In December 2012, Senator Warner cosponsored the Sportsmen’s Act of 2012, a compilation of nearly 20 different bipartisan bills important to the sportsmen’s community that focus on conservation of wildlife habitat and improving access to hunting and fishing.  The bill would increase access to the 35 million acres of public land that are currently restricted or limited in use. Additionally, the Sportsmen’s Act reauthorizes the North American Wetlands Conservation Act. This Act is a voluntary, landowner-friendly initiative that has conserved over 26 million acres of critical habitat for migratory birds. By reauthorizing this program, the Sportsmen’s Act promotes recreational hunting, fishing, and shooting while continuing to promote public-private partnerships that support conservation of fish and wildlife population.
  • In December of 2012 Senator Warner joined 50 of his colleagues from both sides of the aisle in asking Majority Leader Reid and Minority Leader McConnell to work toward finding a lasting legislative and funding solution for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which was created to help preserve, develop and assure access to outdoor recreation facilities to strengthen the health of Americans.
  • In October 2012, Senator Warner wrote to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White urging them to support Chesapeake Bay watershed farmers during the interim period since the lapse of the Farm Bill authorization. 
  • In August 2012, Senators Warner and Webb joined a bipartisan letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in support of a temporary waiver of the federal ethanol mandate.  This waiver is intended to help Virginia’s agricultural community and consumers who have been hit hard by a dramatic rise in feed costs as a result of record droughts across the continental United States.
  • In June 2012, Senator Warner voted in support of the bipartisan Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act, which would have benefitted Virginia farmers while continuing to provide a strong foundation for restoring the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.  The 2012 Farm Bill, which would have saved taxpayers more than $23 billion, passed the Senate with broad bipartisan support on a 64-35 vote.
  • In September 2011, the U.S. Senate unanimously approved a resolution offered by Senators Warner and Webb commemorating the 75th anniversary of Shenandoah National Park.  The resolution honors the cultural and ecological importance of Shenandoah, and affirms the support of Congress for Virginia’s national park.
  • In April 2011, Virginia Senators Warner and Webb introduced legislation to bring increased accountability measures and a more collaborative management approach to Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.  The Chesapeake Bay Accountability and Recovery Act of 2011 would require the Office of Management and Budget to prepare a cross budget to better track the progress of Bay restoration efforts, comparing costs and the performance of restoration activities by the various federal agencies involved in the Bay preservation effort.
October 2012
  • 10/03/12 -
    Chesapeake Bay Senators urge USDA to support farmers during lapse of Farm Bill authorization
    Chesapeake Bay Watershed Senators Mark R. Warner (D-VA), Ben Cardin (D-MD), Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), Tom Carper (D-DE), Chris Coons (D-DE), Bob Casey (D-PA), Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), wrote to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Chief Dave White urging them to support Chesapeake Bay watershed farmers during the interim period since the lapse of the Farm Bill authorization.
August 2012
June 2012
  • 06/21/12 -
    Sens. Webb & Warner Fight to Maintain Chesapeake Bay as Priority in 2012 Farm Bill
    Senators Warner and Webb today voted in support of the bipartisan Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act, which will benefit Virginia farmers while continuing to provide a strong foundation for restoring the health of the Chesapeake Bay watershed. The 2012 Farm Bill, which saves taxpayers more than $23 billion, was approved with broad bipartisan support on a 64-35 vote today.
January 2012
  • 01/12/12 -
    Clean Water in India: Drinking to Health
    Around the world, more than two-billion people are at serious health risks every day due to the lack of clean drinking water, and many of those people live in India. Senator Warner was on-hand today as the 16,000 inhabitants of the poor Indian village of Kompally got access to reliable, safe drinking water for the first time.
November 2011
  • 11/18/11 -
    On the Road: Hampton & Virginia Beach
    Three weeks after the President approved a National Park Service role at Virginia's historic Fort Monroe in Hampton, Senator Warner traveled to the Peninsula to meet with newly appointed Fort Monroe National Monument Superintendent Kirsten Talken-Spaulding and Hampton Mayor Molly Ward.
October 2011
  • 10/21/11 -
    Celebrating Opower's expansion
    Senator Warner and Northern Virginia Congressman Jim Moran celebrated the expansion of the Virginia-based energy efficiency company Opower. Opower – the brainchild of two college buddies -- works with energy companies and social networks to help customers increase energy productivity and reduce energy bills.
September 2011
April 2011
  • 04/07/11 -
    More accountability for Bay cleanup
    Senators Warner and Webb have introduced legislation that would bring increased accountability measures and a more collaborative management approach to Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts.
February 2011
  • 02/07/11 -
    Sen. Warner on offshore wind: “Excellent news”
    Sen. Warner, who has long advocated an “all-of-the-above,” portfolio approach to alternative energy, applauded today’s big announcement on major offshore wind initiatives: as part of the “Smart from the Start” approach, the federal government will accelerate the preliminary review of potential offshore wind sites along Virginia’s coast.
July 2010
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