Requirements for Visitors to Physics Division

Requirements for Visitors to Physics Division

Physics Division is part of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory which is operated by UT-Battelle, LLC, for the U.S. Department of Energy. We, therefore, have fairly strict rules we must follow when others come for visits. There are no exceptions to these rules! Please submit the necessary information for your visit using our on-line form. It takes 20 days to to process most foreign national visits but it will take 40 days to process those from sensitive countries.


If you do not know which classification you will fall under, contact your host.
  • Visitors - You are considered to be a visitor when you come for discussions or are attending a workshop or conference. You may go on tours but you may not work on experiments or other "hands-on" work. A visit may not exceed 30 days in length. Visitors may access the wireless external internet but not ORNL centrally managed computers. Training requirements, if any, are minimal.
  • Guest assignment - You are considered to be on a guest assignment if you need to do "hands-on" work, access ORNL computers, intend to be here for more than 30 days. All HRIBF experiment participants are on assignments.
    • Facility Users - If you will be participating in an experiment at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility, a User Agreement between your institution and ORNL will need to be in place before you can come on site. If no user agreement exists for your institution, someone in ORNL's Technology Transfer Department will contact you after you complete your registration. These agreements state the legal rights to use any discovery or invention which results from your work at HRIBF. Many institutions require their legal authorities to review this document as this is an institution-to-institution agreement. In addition, you will be asked to sign Appendix B upon arrival. This section documents your willingness to follow our rules and regulations and to work in a safe manner.
    • Training - Facility Users and others on assignment MUST undergo some form of training. Most training is now available on our training home page.

Visiting ORNL

Please plan to arrive at ORNL while the Visitor Center is open (Monday-Friday 7:00-15:45). The badging process usually takes 5-10 minutes. You will not be allowed to stay in the dormitory unless you have been badged, so you will need to make other lodging arrangements if you will be arriving outside these hours or on a weekend. For general information about visiting ORNL, please read Visitor Information on ORNL's public website.

Required Information

You will need to bring identification when you come to ORNL. U.S. citizens will need a photo-ID such as a driver's license. Foreign nationals will need to bring a passport and visa and should fax (+1.865.574.1268) us a legible copy of their visa and front pages of the passport containing your name.

Visa information

The U. S. Department of State provides information on travel to the U. S. Note that in some cases in may take several months to get a visa. Note also that the Visa Waiver Program (27 countries) requires machine readable passports or you must have a visa. Go to the above link for the latest official information. The International Visitors Office of the National Academies also has information which you may find useful.

If you are participating in an experiment or expect to get reimbursed by ORNL you MUST enter the U.S. under a BUSINESS-TYPE VISA. Tourists cannot conduct business or receive money at ORNL.

Required information U.S. Citizens Non-sensitive countries Sensitive countries
Processing time (assumes User Agreement (list) and Appendix A in place) 5 working days 20 days 40 days
Name (as it appears on your photo-ID or passport) X X
Gender X X
U.S. Social Security number X (if you have one)
Date of birth X X
Dates you plan to visit ORNL X X
Organization represented with complete address X X
Current employer with complete address (if different from above) X X
Type of company X X
Position with current employer X X
Your work telephone and fax number X X
Last university/institute attended X X
Highest educational degree obtained, major, year conferred X X
Purpose of visit X X
Physics Division contact X X
Currently in the US? X
Passport number and expiration date X
Visa type, number, and expiration date X
City and country of birth X
Last country of employment X

For questions about this page please contact the HRIBF User Liaison.

This file last modified Monday January 28, 2008