Proposal guidelines

Proposal guidelines
The following guidelines are provided to aid you in the submission of a proposal to the HRIBF Program Advisory Committee (PAC). Useful links are provided in the figure to the right. Information on the latest call for proposals is available. Experiment guidelines are also available once your proposal has been accepted..
  1. Read about our policies concerning experiments.
  2. Generate proposal confining it to the recommended 4-5 page (text) limit. Based on feedback from previous PACs you are strongly encouraged to include an abstract and confine your proposal to one topic or experiment. Additional topics or experiments require separate proposals; you may refer to your other proposals if necessary and to save text.

    The proposal should contain:

    In addition it is essential that you include any assumptions of beam currents or dose rates, efficiencies, and counting rates. In the case of radioactive ion beams (RIBs), you must include a statement about your tolerance of isobaric contamination of the beam.
  3. Some of the criteria which the PAC use to evaluate the proposal is:
    • Is the science compelling ?
    • Will the proposed experiment deliver the promised science ?
    • Is the proposal well written, informative, and gives the impression that the proposers have the science under control ?
    • Have similar experiments been completed elsewhere ? Links which you may find useful are:
    • Is the proposal appropriate for HRIBF ?
      • Are there other facilities with better requested beams ?
      • Is the requested equipment appropriate for the experiment ?
      • If requesting SIBs, are the stable beams:
        • in support of RIB experiments (calibration, system debugging, systematic studies, etc.)
        • used to develop new techniques or equipment (usually destined for RIB experiments)
        • taking advantage of unique capabilities of HRIBF
        • beneficial to the facility in order to maintain productivity
    • Is there sufficient manpower and resources to complete the experiment ?
    • Are all the co-authors on the proposal aware of this submission ?
    • Has the proposal been submitted somewhere else ?
    • Have the proposers reported results of previous experiments at HRIBF in a timely manner ?
  4. In order to speed processing and save mailing costs, we will only accept proposals submitted electronically in Portable Data Format (pdf). Programs or scripts which convert ps to pdf: After creating a pdf file, check legibility and any data conversion by inspecting it with Adobe Reader. On many UNIX machines we suggest converting LaTeX output to postscript using "dvips -Ppdf" command. This helps to ensure proper fonts (Type 1) are used when converting to pdf.
  5. Submit a cover form. This form summarizes your proposed experiment and provides us with information concerning the safety aspects of your experiment. You may attach it to the front of your proposal or we will do it for you.
  6. Send your file(s) as an email attachment to:
  7. Prior to review by the Program Advisory Committee (PAC), HRIBF personnel will review your proposal for:
    • equipment and facility compatibility (accelerator staff, equipment mentors, etc.)
    • environment, health, and safety (ES&H) issues (experiment support group)
    You may be asked to clarify your needs and requests. The PAC will be informed of any problems which result from this review.
  8. The PAC reviews the proposal for science and recommends a course of action. Note that the PAC is encouraged to contact the spokesperson should any questions arise.
  9. The Scientific Director decides whether or not to accept the proposed experiment. Accepted experiments will be posted as soon as possible and in the following weeks, you will be contacted with the official decision.
  10. You may appeal the decision by contacting the Scientific Director, Witek Nazarewicz.
  11. Spokespersons of accepted experiments should review the experiment guidelines to prepare for the actual experiment.

For questions about this page please contact the HRIBF User Liaison.

This file last modified Monday January 08, 2007