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[RadWare] [counter]

RadWare is a software package for interactive graphical analysis of gamma-ray coincidence data.
It was developed by David Radford of the Physics Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

This web site contains HTML documentation on the RadWare package, and links to let you download RadWare easily.

It also has a library of level scheme files in the RadWare ASCII-gls format. These are mostly level schemes converted from the Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF) and Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List (XUNDL). There are also some contributed schemes.

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A level scheme directory and level scheme JPEG/PDF view script are now available. This script will let you create figures from the level scheme database directly, without running the RadWare programs yourself. You can zoom and pan the figures, but of course to edit the level scheme itself you will still need to download the data and run the RadWare software.

Please send me your GLS level schemes.
Click here for details.
Thanks to those who have contributed:
David Ward, Harald Schnare, Eddie Paul, Daryl Hartley, Walter Reviol, Gudrun Hagemann, Jean Gizon, Detlev Rossbach, Andreas Gorgen, Dorel Bucurescu, Wenchao Ma, Carl Wheldon.

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Information and HTML documentation
Frequently-Asked Questions
Download RadWare
What's new
Mailing lists for RadWare updates etc.
Level schemes in RadWare format
Level Scheme Directory
Search for Gamma-Ray Coincidences

Kiwi Physicists Abroad

e-mail: radforddc@ornl.gov.