Symposium on Physics, Energy, Computing, and Cities (SPECC-2012)

The Symposium on Physics, Energy, Computing, and Cities (SPECC-2012) was held in New York City on December 17-18. The purpose of this meeting was to bring together scientists from several areas to discuss large-scale science, technology, and computational endeavors that have had substantial impacts ranging from fundamental knowledge of how the universe works, to a practical understanding of our energy systems and the human interaction with them. The meeting also celebrated Steve Koonin's 61st birthday.



Informal Organizing committee:

David Dean (ORNL), Kim Budil (LLNL), Dan Meiron (Caltech), Sharon Rynders(BP), Michael Holland (CUSP), Kimona Alfred (CUSP)


Day 1 - December 17




8:30-9:00 Registration Location: Pfizer Auditorium
9:00-9:15 Welcome Jerry Hultin, President, NY Poly
9:15-10:00 Progress in Nuclear Astrophysics: From Kellogg to FAIR (working breakfast) Karlheinz Langanke, Scientific Director, GSI
10:00-10:45 Neutrinos and the Origin of Matter Bob McKeown, Deputy for Science and Technology, JLab
10:45-11:00 Break Location: Pfizer Auditorium
11:00-11:45 Quark-gluon Plasma Research in Europe: Status and Prospects Peter Braun-Munzinger, Scientific Director, EMMI, Helmholtz Foundation
11:45-12:30 Earthshine and Sunshine from Big Bear Solar Observatory in California (Note this is tar archive.) Phil Goode, Director, Big Bear Solar Observatory
12:30-1:45 Discussion on the evolution of big science (working lunch) Location: Dibner Building - Room LC-400
1:45-2:30 National Security I Thomas D'Agostino, DOE/NNSA Administrator
2:30-3:15 The National Ignition Facility: Pathway to Strategic and Energy Security and Physics of the Cosmos Edward Moses, Principal Associate Director for NIF and Photon Sciences, LLNL
3:15-4:00 Break/Picture - (refreshments) Location: Pfizer Auditorium
4:00-4:45 Cosmic Dawn: The Quest for the First Galaxies Richard Ellis, Steele Professor of Astronomy, Caltech
4:45-5:30 Virtualizing the Environment James Hack, Director, Center for Computational Sciences, ORNL
5:30-6:30 Casual Gathering at La DeFense Location: 2 MetroTech Center

Day 2 - December 18




9:00-9:45 Innovation and the Department of Energy (working breakfast) Ernest Moniz, Cecil and Ida Green Distinguished Professor, MIT
9:45-10:30 Research and its Strategic Context in the Energy Industry Ellen Williams, Chief Scientist, BP
10:30-10:45 Break Location: Pfizer Auditorium
10:45-11:30 How Much Should We Spend on Science? Bill Press, Professor of Computer Science and Integrative Biology, University of Texas
11:30-12:15 Managing Cities: Improvement Science versus Randomized Clinical Trials Paul Romer, Director, NYU-Stern Urbanization Project
12:15-1:30 Discussion on policy during the next 4 years (working lunch) Location: Dibner Bldg. - Room LC-400
1:30-2:15 Biofuels: What works? Wolfgang Bauer, University Distinguished Professor, Michigan State University
2:15-3:00 National Security, Climate and Small Modular Reactors: A U.S. National Leadership Strategy Victor Reis, Senior Policy Advisor, DOE
3:00-3:45 Four years of learning how Cities become Smarter - Some Experience from the Field Jurij Paraszczak, Director, Industry Solutions, Smarter Cities, IBM
3:45-4:00 Break (refreshments) Location: Pfizer Auditorium
4:00-4:45 Instrumenting the future Steve Koonin, Director, Center for Urban Science and Progress