Los Angeles Sheriff's Department ronco rttemps

Our Mission: To bring job-seeking military veterans together with hiring companies to fill open positions worldwide.

We are not merely a job board or a recruiting service: we are dedicated to providing both proactive assistance
for veterans and their families with their transition back into the civilian workplace, and assistance for companies
with open positions in fulfilling their recruitment needs.

Information for Military Professionals:

* With Military-Civilian, you have access to a direct link with companies that are hiring. Find a match for your skill sets and desired location anywhere in the world!

* View current job listings by visiting our career opportunities page. Free to view, with login required, you can send your resume directly to recruiters for any position!

* Join our mailing list to receive our Hot Jobs newsletter. Make your job search easier and receive postings straight to your inbox, along with news about upcoming hiring events! Use the form to the right or click here to sign up.

* Share these career opportunities with your friends, family members and colleagues, so we can help them in their job search too!


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Information for Companies:

* Partnering with Military-Civilian connects you to an established and robust pipeline of active job hunters.

* Post your company's career opportunities on our website, a job board free for all to view. You have the option to include a link to your company's employment page, so that inquiring professionals can view all your current career opportunities instantly.

* Candidates will reply directly to your company, as per instructions in the career posting. No more time-consuming searches on resume data bases.

* Your company's career opportunities will be emailed to members of our network via our "Hot Jobs" newsletter, which we currently send to over 10,000 individuals and includes contacts in CONUS (within the U.S.) and OCONUS (outside the U.S) military communities. Jobs are also sent to the transition centers of military bases, posted on the websites of various veteran-centered hiring groups, and shared across our social network circles.

* Join our unique program today and benefit from access to quality, qualified job-seeking military professionals.

For more information, click here or contact Lucy at lucy@military-civilian.com or via phone at 310-455-2002 today.


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