U.S. National Institute of Health www.cancer.gov National Cancer Institute
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National Cancer Institute

Technology Development

picture of circuit board Innovative and Applied Emerging Technologies in Biospecimen Science
Innovative and emerging technologies may be developed for cancer-relevant biospecimen science to measure and/or control pre-analytical variations in the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens or their derivatives to improve their quality and utility in cancer research.

Application and Use of Transformative Emerging Technologies in Cancer Research
Emerging Technologies funding opportunities are intended to support projects to evaluate the usefulness of emerging technologies in appropriate biological contexts in order to assess reproducibility and produce preliminary data toward a biological or clinical question.

Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research
IMAT funding opportunities are designed to encourage applications from individuals and groups interested in developing novel technologies suitable for the molecular analysis of cancers and their host environment in support of basic, clinical, and epidemiological research.