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Coral Reefs and Climate Change

Coral reefs are one of the most diverse ecosystems in the world. Reefs support essential coastal fisheries, protect coasts from erosion, support local tourism and are sources of pharmaceuticals. Sustained high water temperatures, in conjunction with other natural and human-based stressors, could cause coral bleaching to become an annual event in most oceans. This could lead to a rapid decline in the health of coral ecosystems worldwide.

Corals are very sensitive to stress caused by elevated water temperatures, bright sunny days, and calm water. Corals respond to stressful temperatures by expelling the symbiotic algae that live within their tissues and provide most of their food and their characteristic color. While corals can recover from short term, minor stress, they can starve and die if the stressful conditions continue for weeks or months. Coral bleaching has become much more severe in recent decades as sea temperatures have risen.

Download PDF briefing documents about Coral Reef Watch

Our data products
NOAA's response to the 2005 Caribbean bleaching event
The experimental Reef Metabolic Index (RMI)
Our activities under the GEF/World Bank targeted research project

More about NOAA's coral reef activities

Coral Reef Watch is part of a larger effort at NOAA to understand and protect reefs. For more information on NOAA's coral reef activities, please send an e-mail with your question, or visit the Coral Reef Conservation Program website. You can also fax your question to: 301-713-4389, or mail it to:

Attn: Outreach and Education
NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program, N/ORR
1305 East West Highway, 10th Floor
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281

e-mail the Coral Reef Watch Coordinator
e-mail the Webmaster

Media contacts

John Leslie
NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service
e-mail: John.Leslie@noaa.gov
telephone: 301-457-5005

Ben Sherman
NOAA's National Ocean Service
e-mail: Ben.Sherman@noaa.gov
telephone: 301-713-3066 x178