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What's New

List of new features and functionality added to the site with release 2.5:

1. Home Page

  • Map
    • Geocoded and added Wage and Hour case and violation data to the map.
    • Updated all states Census data to 2010.
  • Dashboard
    • Added FLSA Repeat Violators chart to the Wage and Hour pane.

2. Search

  • Search Form
    • Added more granularity to the search with new agency specific search criteria, for the following agencies datasets:
      • EBSA can now be searched using: Plan EIN, Plan Admin, Plan Name, Case Type, and Penalty Range
      • MSHA can now be searched using: Mine ID or Current Mine Name, Operator ID or Name, Controller ID or Name, Mine Type, Coal/Metal, Mine Status, Significant Violation, and Violation by Act
      • OSHA can now be searched using: OSHA Office, Case Status, Inspection Category, Inspection Type, Union Status, Violation Type, Employees Exposed, Accident, and Degree of Injury
      • WHD can now be searched using: Violation by Act, FLSA Repeat Violator, Civil Monetary Penalty, and Back Wages Agreed to Pay
    • NAICS and SIC: you can now enter words to select an industry code
    • Search no longer restricted by state. You can perform National searches across all datasets
    • Company Name and Year are now dataset specific. When you select an agency dataset, the company names and years that appear in the selection field are specific to that dataset

3. New Visual Search

To escape the linearity of the search form, and the grip of rows and columns, we are introducing a visual search tool we are calling D'Viz. The tool uses volume and color to express data, and allows the user to explore an agency's whole data interactively, as well as visualize how a company is represented in that agency's dataset (NOTE: we are working on company name cleanup to create a single instance of a company name in the data). See FAQ.

4. Labs

  • OSHA Inspection Lab
    • Graph and visually explore OSHA Inspection data over time, using Location, OSHA Office, Inspection Category, Inspection Type, Industry, and Owner Type
    • Compare current and previous selections.

What do you think? Are there other features or functionality you would like to see? Weigh-in, let us know by going to the Feedback page and sharing your thoughts!