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US Dept. of the Interior
Office of Surface Mining
Washington, DC 20240

LAST MODIFIED 03/05/2012
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Image of the  Capitol Building Image of Western Mountain Range. Image of Wheat Field. Image of Applachian Mountains.

Welcome to the National Technology Development and Transfer Website

The Office of Surface Mining’s (OSM’s) Technology Development and Transfer supports and enhances the technical skills that States and Tribes need to operate their regulatory and reclamation programs and to effectively implement the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act established in 1977.  Technology development and transfer is an interactive process that involves the development of technical information through workshops, forums, benchmarking symposiums, OSM’s applied science funding program, and by  partnering with other technical programs.  The information gathered by the processes is transferred among our federal, state, tribal, industry, and academic partners through training, publications, exhibits, conferences, and websites.  Strategies to apply new technologies are developed during technical consultation and assistance services provided by OSM.  OSM continues to explore and promote innovative methods to promulgate new technologies that enhance the protection of the environment during mining and reclamation and improve efficiencies in the mining process

OSM established a National Technology Transfer Team (NTTT) in April of 2003 to provide a forum to guide, coordinate, and communicate OSM’s national and regional technology transfer activities.  The NTTT is composed of members from OSM and from States that administer coal mining activities.  OSM is represented by members from Headquarters, the National Technical Training Program (NTTP), Technical Innovation and Professional Services (TIPS), and three OSM Regions (Appalachian, Mid-Continent, and Western).  Each OSM region has a regional technology transfer team comprised of a technical representative from each of the States, Tribes, OSM Divisions and Field Offices in that region to identify, advance, and develop technical solutions.  The solutions can then be advanced to the NTTT for dissemination and implementation in other regions. The States are represented by the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, the Western Interstate Energy Board and the National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Program.

Cover of Kentucky 2005 completed Applied Science Project Fact Sheet "Development of a field procedure to evaluate the reforestation potential." APPLIED SCIENCE FACT SHEETS NOW BEING ADDED TO

OSM publishes Applied Science Final Report Fact Sheets as part of its technology transfer function to inform interested parties about results from completed Applied Science Projects funded by OSM. (READ MORE)


mine water meeting announcements and notes now available!

Coal and Water in Central Appalachia; The Challenge to Balance

Speaker presentations from the 2011 Water Research Symposium, "Coal and Water in Central Appalachia; The Challenge to Balance", held November 15, 2011 , in Blacksburg, VA are available at the link below. The one day event included technical and policy presentations from Virginia Tech; University of Kentucky; West Virginia University; US EPA; Virginia Dept of Mines, Minerals and Energy; West Virginia Dept of Environmental Protection; US Office of Surface Mining; and the mining industry.

Go to to view the individual presentations in pdf format. The talks include presentations on TDS, selenium and other current mine water topics.

2012 West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium

The 2012 West Virginia Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium is scheduled for
March 28-29, 2012 in Morgantown WV. Registration information and the program can be found at

9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage

The 9th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage is scheduled for May 20-26, 2012 in Ottawa, Canada. Conference and registration information can be found at