Publications about FCA

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Resources for the FCS


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Resources for the FCS

For FCS Staff and Board Members
  1. The FCA Handbook, which contains statutes related to FCA, FCA and FCSIC regulations, FCA Board policy statements, FCA bookletters, and pending regulations
  2. Additional Guidance, including informational memorandums and summaries of selected legal opinions
  3. The FCA Examination Manual, including the Information Technology section
  4. Exam Bulletins
  5. Consolidated Reporting System Reports
  6. Submit CRS Data
  7. Governance of FCS Institutions
  8. E-commerce
  9. Submit E-Data
  10. Loan Portfolio Management Guidance
  11. Farmland Collateral Risk
  12. FAQs About Governance Changes in 2006
  13. Enforcement Actions by Other Regulators
  14. FAQs About the Disclosure and Reporting Rule
  15. FAQs About Collateral Evaluations
  16. Market Emergency Standby Resolution
  17. FAQs About Borrower Rights
  18. FAQs About Stress Testing Expectations
  19. Flood Disaster Protection
  20. Stress Testing Best Practices as of August 23, 2010

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For FCS Board Members

The Director’s Role, which describes the responsibilities of FCS institution board members (PDF, 66 pages, 7.89 MB)

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For FCS Borrower-Members

The Role of Farm Credit System Nominating Committees, a brochure describing the responsibilities of bank and association nominating committees in the director nomination process. Also available in Spanish (PDF, 2 pages, 1.08 MB).

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