What is MODS?

The Medical Operational Data System (MODS) is an MHSS objective system that provides the Army Medical Department (AMEDD) with an integrated automation system that supports all phases of Human Resource Life -Cycle Management in both peacetime and mobilization. This on-line system provides commanders, staffs and functional managers of AMEDD organizations with a real time source of information on the qualifications, training, special pay and readiness of Army Medical Department (AMEDD) personnel.

MODS currently maintains sixty system interfaces which are updated on a daily, weekly, monthly or semi-annual basis. These interfaces bring in over 75% of the data used in the system. The AMEDD community has a powerful tool with which decision makers and managers can effect their work requirements quickly. As a desktop resource for the personnel manager, MODS places critical assignment, training and qualification information at his fingertips. Time spent acquiring data can now be used in analyzing the information.