Fermilab Business Services Section
Fermilab Business Services Section

Records Management - Eliminating Non-Records

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This brief list is included to assist you in conducting periodic (or ongoing) clean-out campaigns of your files. Listed are representative types of "non record" material commonly accumulated in most offices, together with the proper disposition action. "Non record" material may be disposed of in the office after it has served the needs of the office. You determine the length of time this type of material needs to be kept.


Only the materials listed below and the record items specified in the Records Schedules "to be destroyed in office" may be disposed of in this manner. Unscheduled records are not eligible for disposal until approval is obtained from the Records Management Office.


If you have any questions about disposal of records, contact the Records Management Office at Ext. 5693.




Publications & Other Printed Materials: (Obsolete Copies)

• Telephone Directories (except originals in Telecomm Office)

• Library Accession Lists

• Stock Catalogs

• Extra Copies of documents no longer needed for distribution

• Travel Timetables

• Vendor catalogs, price lists, brochures, etc.

• Almanacs

Destroy in Office


Office Working Files:

  • Rough drafts and working notes from which reports, staff papers, and other documents have been prepared and approved.

Destroy in Office

  • Stenographic notebooks from which notes have been transcribed
Destroy in Office
  • Punched cards, when used as intermediate input to ADP or EAM (treat as a draft, working notes & steno notebooks) when superseded or obsolete.
Destroy in Office
  • Information copies of telegrams, dispatches, instructions, air gram memoranda, correspondence and other documents which are not a part of an official subject or case file.

Destroy after 1 yr.

  • Minor items of reference data sent to others solely for their information and not requiring any specific action.
Destroy after 1 yr.
  • Records pertaining to charity drives, bond campaigns and other voluntary activities not part of the regular assigned functions of the Laboratory.
Destroy after 1 yr.
  • Copies of issuances, notices, reports, releases, tabulations, and publications of other Federal or State agencies requiring administrative action by DOE or Fermilab and submitted for its general information only.
Destroy after two years
  • Statistical information supplied to others but not involving any original investigations.
Destroy after two years
Supplies and Equipment  
  • Obsolete blank forms
Destroy in Office
  • Unused filing equipment which is not needed in the current operation of the office
Return to Stock
  • Unserviceable or excess office furniture and equipment
Return to Stock


  1. NONRECORD: Extra copies of documents preserved only for convenience or reference, library and museum material made or acquired and preserved solely for reference or exhibition purposes, and stock of publications and/or processed documents are not included within the definition of the word "record" as used in this Act.

  2. RECORD: All books, papers, maps, photographs, or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received by an agency of the United States Government in pursuance of Federal law or connection with the transaction of public business and preserved or appropriate for preservations by that agency or its legitimate successor as evidence of the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the Government or because of the informational value of data contained therein.

As defined in Records Disposal Act of July 7, 1943, as amended.


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