Grant Application Guide


The Office of Science (SC) Financial Assistance Program Rule (10 CFR Part 605), along with the Department's Financial Assistance regulation (10 CFR Part 600), sets forth policies and procedures to be used when the Office of Science supports basic and applied research, educational and/or training activities, conferences and other related activities.

This guide assists potential applicants and award recipients in understanding the required forms and formats necessary to submit a grant application, pre- and post-award administration requirements, and the award process utilized within Office of Science programs and DOE awarding offices.

Individually published notices of availability or Funding Opportunity Announcements may change or amend information contained in this guide.

Even though the purpose of this guide is to inform eligible applicants of the special and generic financial assistance policies and procedures, it may be necessary to refer to both Parts 605 and 600 to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the full requirements for financial assistance support within the Office of Science.

Program Areas

For summary descriptions of the Office of Science program areas please use the Program Areas section in the navigation menu at the top of the page. Grant applications submitted to the Office of Science must fit within these program areas. You are encouraged to call the program area contact, using the phone number located at the end of each program area description, to discuss your research project BEFORE you submit your application.

Click here for detailed descriptions of the Office of Science program areas.

Other program areas may be described in a notice of availability/Funding Opportunity Announcement posted on the Office of Science Grants and Contracts Web Site. They are also posted on a Federal wide system that allows organizations to electronically find and apply for competitive grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies.

Definition of Terms

Application - a written request for financial assistance.

Approved budget - a budget and any revision that has been approved in writing by DOE for carrying out the proposed project.

Basic and applied research - basic and applied research and that part of development not related to the development of specific systems or products. The primary aim of research is scientific study and experimentation directed toward advancing the state of the art or increasing knowledge of understanding rather than focusing on a specific system or product.

Budget - the applicant's financial expenditure plan for carrying out the proposed project. The budget shall include any cost sharing which is required by statute, rule, or the award.

Budget period - the interval of time specified in the award, into which a project is divided for budgeting and funding purposes.

Conference - scientific, technical or educational conferences, symposia, workshops or seminars organized for the purpose of communicating or exchanging information or views pertinent to the Office of Science program areas.

Continuation award - an award for a second or subsequent budget period within an approved project period.

Contracting Officer - an official of DOE authorized to execute awards on behalf of DOE and who is responsible for the business management and non-program aspects of the financial assistance process.

Cooperative agreement - a financial assistance instrument used by DOE to transfer money or property when the principal purpose of the transaction is accomplishment of a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute, and substantial involvement is anticipated between DOE and the recipient during performance of the contemplated activity.

Cost sharing - the share of project costs required to be contributed by the recipient. Depending on the source and nature of the requirement, terms such as matching and cost participation may also be used to denote cost sharing.

Department or DOE - the United States Department of Energy.

Education/Training - support for education or related activities for an individual or organization that will enhance education levels and skills in particular scientific or technical areas of interest to DOE.

SC - the Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy.

Extension - an amendment of an award which would otherwise expire, to provide additional time and, if appropriate, additional funds for completion of project activities.

Financial assistance - transfer of money or property to a recipient or subrecipient to accomplish a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute through grants or cooperative agreements and subawards. In DOE, it does not include direct loans, loan guarantees, price guarantees, purchase agreements, Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs), or any other type of financial incentive instrument.

Grant - a financial assistance instrument (award notice) used to transfer money or property when the principal purpose of the transaction is accomplishment of a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by Federal statute, and minimal involvement between DOE and the recipient during the performance of the contemplated activity is anticipated.

Letter of Intent - an optional vehicle that constitutes a potential applicant's intent to submit a formal application.

Merit Review System - the process an application undergoes to determine eligibility and scientific/technical importance based on Office of Science stated evaluation criteria.

Notice of Availability (Solicitation / Funding Opportunity Announcement) - a document which requests the submission of applications for financial assistance and which describes program objectives, recipient and project eligibility requirements, desired performance activity, evaluation criteria, award terms and conditions, and other relevant information about the financial assistance opportunity.

Preapplication - an optional vehicle that constitutes a potential applicant's intent to submit a formal application. A preapplication allows the potential applicant to receive a response from the cognizant Office of Science program office regarding the suitability of the proposed research project to SC's interests.

Principal Investigator - the researcher, scientist, or other individual designated by the recipient to direct the project.

Project - activities described in an application.

Project period - the total period of time indicated in an award during which the Office of Science expects to provide financial assistance. A project period may consist of one or more budget periods and may be extended by the Office of Science.

Recipient - the organization, individual, or other entitly which receives an award from DOE and is financially accountable for the use of any DOE funds or property provided for the performance of the project, and is legally responsible for carrying out the terms and conditions of the award.

Renewal award - an award which extends a project period by adding one or more additional budget periods.

Special purpose equipment - equipment used only for research, medical, scientific, or other technical activities.

Subrecipient - an organization, individual, or other entity that receives a subaward.

Terms and conditions - the rights and obligations of the awarding party and the recipient or subrecipient set forth in statute, regulation, program rules, or otherwise set forth or incorporated by reference in the award or subaward document.

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