SAFETEA-LU TTP Program Changes

Photo of a TTP Road
  • Tribes meeting eligibility requirements have the option of entering into Tribal Transportation Program (TTP) agreements directly with FHWA for their respective share of TTP Program funding.
  • Tribes and States may enter into road maintenance agreements for which the Tribes assume the maintenance responsibility for the State on Tribal Transportation Roads.
  • New TTP Bridge funding category that authorizes $14,000,000 per year from FY05 — FY09 for planning, design, and construction of bridges.
  • Approval of road and bridge construction plans, specifications, and estimates (PS & Es) by a Tribal government if it provides assurance in the contract or agreement that the construction will meet or exceed applicable health and safety standards.
  • Completion of a comprehensive national TTP inventory of eligible transportation facilities and report to Congress by November 2007.
  • Tribes may use up to 25% of their tribal share of TTP Program funds for maintenance activities.