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NMFS HELP Desk: About Applying For Permits

Help Page: About Applying For Permits

Qualifications to Obtain a Vessel Permit: In order to obtain a vessel permit, you (or your business or corporation) must be the owner of the vessel for which you want to obtain a permit.

Needed Information To Apply For Permits: The following information is requested of you when you apply for a vessel permit. All information is required unless otherwise specified.

In addition to this information, on-line purchasers need to have a valid American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa credit card. All purchasers will need to select the category that applies to their method of fishing. If you are renewing an existing permit, you should have your existing permit number handy. NMFS will use this to fill out most information on your permit.

Note: If you are not renewing but have or had an Atlantic tunas permit or an Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) permit, write down that number and keep it handy. The Permit Shop can use that permit number to pre-fill in much of the information on the application. Also, if the vessel you wish to permit has been permitted before by a different owner, your application needs to be processed through Customer Service. If this is the case, please exit the On-line Permit Shop and call a Customer Service Representative at 1-888-872-8862. This is extremely important in order to maintain the permit history for the vessel.

Personal Information

  • first name
  • middle initial (optional)
  • last name
  • suffix (e.g., Jr., Sr., III, etc.) (optional)
  • home (billing) address and zip code
  • day time telephone number
  • evening telephone number
  • e-mail address (optional)

Vessel Information
  • U.S. Coast Guard documentation number and/or state registration number for the vessel
  • Vessel name
  • home port city & state
  • principal port city & state
  • length in feet
  • year built
  • crew size
  • construction (e.g., wood)
  • gross tonnage
  • propulsion (e.g., gasoline)
  • main engine horsepower
  • hold capacity in pounds (if applicable)

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    Please read our privacy policy and our disclaimer statement. You may contact Customer Service by dialing 1-888-872-8862, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm Eastern Time.