21 December

Highlights from CERN in 2012

"[This year] will go down in history as marking the first of the LHC's major discoveries, a defining moment in the history of science," says Director-General Rolf Heuer in his end-of-year message to CERN people.

Find out more on CERN's new website

20 December 2012

This month in 1991: The web spreads beyond CERN

The world's first web server, Tim Berners-Lee's NeXT machine at CERN. The hand-written sticker reads: "This machine is a server. DO NOT POWER DOWN!" (Image: CERN)

Twenty-one years ago this month, physicists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) in California installed the first web server outside of Europe. The move marked the beginning of the global reach of the World Wide Web, a key point in the history of digital communications.

Find out more on the new CERN website
