Medical Safety 
Baby getting immunizedThe USAIPH Industrial Hygiene and Medical Safety Management Program is the U.S. Army Medical Command’s center of expertise for medical safety and health program management. We support the U.S. Army’s medical treatment facilities (MTFs) through:
  • On-site assistance for compliance with the Joint Commission’s physical environment standards
  • Telephonic and electronic support for safety and occupational health and Joint Commission physical environment compliance issues that require interpretation or extensive research
  • Safety and occupational health and Joint Commission physical environment education and training programs

  • Safety and occupational health technical bulletins (medical), technical guides, and fact sheets
  • A physical environment toolbox that includes sample management plans, annual evaluations, policies, checklists, and useful links to physical environment reference documents 

Army Medicine MapThe information provided on this site is designed to help MTF commanders effectively manage the risks associated with their MTF’s physical environment, such as:

  • Safety
  • Security
  • Fire and life safety
  • Hazardous materials and waste
  • Medical equipment
  • Utility systems
  • Emergency management



Environment of Care Management Plans and Annual Evaluation Templates

The environment of care management plans and annual evaluations are the Joint Commission surveyors' first impression of your military treatment facility (MTF).  These documents must quickly convey to readers important information on the ways you manage risk, keep people safe, and the general status of your program. The USAIPH management plan and annual evaluation templates are easily... (more)

Medical Safety Best Practices/Toolkit

SafetySecurityHazardous Materials and WasteFire SafetyMedical EquipmentUtilitiesEmergency ManagementInfection ControlToolkit Listed below are voluntary guidelines, accepted industry practices, policies, and guidance intended to reflect the best available knowledge and research on the physical environment. The environment of care is made up of the following three basic elements:- The building or ... (more)

Medical Safety Fact Sheets and Technical Guides

Medical Safety Fact Sheets Biological Safety Cabinets  Biological Safety Cabinets: Certification  Biological Safety Cabinets: Types Electromagnetic Radiation  Radio Frequency Identification Infection Control  Procedures for Cleaning Contaminated Ice Machines  USACHPPM Consensus Statement on UV Germicidal Irradiation for Upper Air Disinfection in the Workplace  Latex Al... (more)

Medical Safety Federal Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations Congress passes laws and authorizes government agencies to create and enforce regulations in order to put those laws into effect.  Compliance is mandatory. Listed below are links to regulatory agencies that directly affect Medical Safety.   ·   The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules   ·    Department of Justice: Ameri... (more)

Medical Safety Guidance

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Medical Safety Professional Development

Continuing Education and TrainingWorking as a professional in healthcare, you know you cannot afford to become complacent.  New medical technologies, systems, and processes are constantly introduced into the physical environment, and they often bring with them a whole new set of hazards.  As a result, you know you must work hard to:  Stay proficient in detecting new safety and health... (more)

Medical Safety Teaching Aids Library

  This library contains teaching aids for the healthcare worker.    These teaching aids are designed to teach healthcare workers how to identify and minimize safety and health risks within the physical environment and what actions they must take in an emergency. Courses will be added in the future that can be easily modified to meet individual or department needs.       ... (more)

For More Information