Tobacco Cessation
Great American Smokeout / Tobacco Cessation 

Great American Smokeout eCard

Send a Great American Smokeout eCard to someone you care about.

November 15, 2012 is the Great American Smokeout (GASO). GASO is a day of encouragement for smokers to refrain from using cigarettes for 24 hours. Join troops around the globe by quitting tobacco for the day, making a pledge to quit, or helping someone quit. To get involved in this event, just put your cigarettes away for 24 hours.

The American Cancer Society is marking the 37th Great American Smokeout this year by encouraging smokers to use the date to make a plan to quit, or to plan in advance and quit smoking that day. By doing so, smokers will be taking an important step towards a healthier life – one that can lead to reducing cancer risk.  Quitting smoking is not easy, but it can be done.  To stop using tobacco successfully, it is essential to know what your options are and where to go for help. 

Below are a few tips to help you prepare for the Great American Smokeout:

  • Keep water and/or juices on hand.
  • Create your own snack pack. Some items to include are carrots, celery, sugarless gum or sugarless candy.
  • Change your daily routine (i.e. take a different route to work).
  • Plan on taking a 10 minute afternoon walk.
  • Call/talk to a friend when you feel an urge to smoke.
  • Have a "Things to Do" list for the day. Keep busy.

American Cancer Society - Stay Away from Tobacco: Great American Smokeout  External link

UCANQUIT2 Great American Smokeout External link

Check out more links on the Related Sites page for information on participating in the Great American Smokeout.