Waste Management
Environmental Surveillance 

We conduct studies of former hazardous waste storage or spill sites to determine whether they have been adequately cleaned to protect the military public health and environment.  These include site clearances to evaluate construction or renovation sites to ensure protection of the health of construction workers and future occupants; relative risk site evaluation (RRSE) to evaluate the presence of contaminants, potential for migration, and exposure pathways.

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Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program Support

  • CBRN Waste Management and Characterization - Review DoD doctrine, directives, policy, training, and other technical documents for accuracy, completeness, and consistency between existing documents and current requirements.
  • CBRN Emergency Response - Provide waste management and environmental sampling guidance support to the CSEPP, the Interagency Biologial Restorate Demonstration and other organizations working at the national level on homeland security/defense initiatives. 

Deployment Support

  • Hazardous and Medical Waste Consultations (Surveys) - Provide guidance and on-site support to deployed/CONUS military personnel on issues dealing with the characterization, collection, storage, management, and disposal of hazardous and medical waste in order to comply with applicable regulations (RCRA, OEBGD, FGS, State, and DoD/AR 200-1) to minimize exposure to hazardous materials.
  • Develop site specific Hazardous Waste Management Plans in conjuction with installation personnel to facilitate compliance with applicable regulatory requirements (RCRA, OEBGD, FGS, State, and DoD/AR 200-1) by detailing procedures and policies for personnel to follow in order to minimize exposure to hazardous material.
  • Deployment Hazardous and Medical Waste Products - Prepare, provide, and update various information products as needed for deployed personnel (e.g. TB-MED 593,  Field Medical Waste Training Class, Decontamination of Items contaminated with body fluids, etc.).
  • Disaster Recovery Support - Provide on-site and reach-back support on hazardous and medical waste management and environmental exposure characterization guidance to military personnel responding to natural and man-made disasters.

Site Evaluations

  • Closure Certification Conduct environmental/material sampling to verify that potential health hazards associated with hazardous material usage and releases have been reduced to acceptable risk levels for military and civilian personnel via decontamination and/or engineering controls. 
  • Construction Site Clearance (Soil Sampling) - Evaluate potential health hazards to military, civilian, and construction personnel resulting from historical hazardous materials usage and/or releases prior to the initiation of construction activities.
  • Environmental Health Surveillance of Army Housing - Evaluate potential health hazards to the military family associated with hazardous materials usage in the construction and maintenance of military housing and common areas.