
Website Problem

8 months ago

There was a glitch at Challenge.gov - the correct slate of recipients will be posted very shortly, sorry for the inconvenience.  If you would like to see who they are in the mean time, please visit www.NationalService.gov

Announcing the winners

8 months ago

We’re thrilled to announce the winners of 2012 National Service Impact Awards.

View all the winners in the Gallery.

Thanks again to everyone who participated and made the challenge a great success!

The 2012 National Service Impact Awards team

Announcing the 2012 National Service Impact Awards

8 months ago

Thanks to all those of you that have been following the 2012 National Service Impact Awards, those who took the time to vote, and especially to those of you who made the effort to submit a nomination.  This was our most successful year by all measures.  We had over 250 nominations submitted and 12,000 of you voted for your favorite submission. 

The submissions tell a powerful story of what National Service accomplishes across the country.   The judging process was not easy with so many great submissions.  

For the first time this year we had a popular vote - People's Choice - recipient, it went to Habitat for Humanity's Vet Corps.  Congratulations on receiving over 1,000 votes. 

 The recipients are posted at http://2012ServiceImpact.Challenge.gov and also on our website along with the award videos (coming soon) at http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/spiritofservice/index.asp and the press release is at http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/newsroom/releases_detail.asp?tbl_pr_id=2105


Join us in congratulating the 2012 National Service Impact Awardees and thank you again for your participation in this year’s challenge.

Public voting is now open

10 months ago

The public voting period for 2012 National Service Impact Awards has begun. Browse the Submission Gallery and vote for your favorites!

If you’ve entered a submission, be sure to spread the word through your social networks.


The 2012 National Service Impact Awards team

Thank You

10 months ago

Thanks to everyone for taking the time to submit a nomination to the 2012 Service Impact Award Challenge.  We had a tremendous response.

Don't forget the voting for the public choice recipient is scheduled to begin May 5 anyone wanting to vote can visit http://2012ServiceImpact.Challenge.gov to vote.  We have also begun the internal review process here for the remianing awards.

Thank you again for helping make this such a success, it is truly impressive to see what is being accomplished.

Deadline Approaching - Tuesday, May 1

10 months ago

Please make sure to submit your entries for the 2012 Service Impact Awards by 5:00 PM EDT this Tuesday, May 1.  Remember to hit the submit button and don't leave your submissions in draft. 

Important Information

10 months ago

A couple of the submissions appear to have been intended for the AmeriCorps Photo or Video competitions - if that is the case please delete your submission from the Service Impact Awards and go to http://AmeriCorpsVidoe.challenge.gov or http://AmeriCorpsPhoto.challenge.gov to submit your entries there.

Please make sure your entry identifies which of the Corporation's programs or initiatives your submission represents (such as AmeriCorps or Social Innovation Fund), and which issue area it addresses (such as Healthy Futures or Veterans and Military Families).  Entries that do not meet the requirements noted in the rules will not move forward to the judging phase.

It is recommended that you place the narrative of your submission in the description field even if you are submitting it as an attachment.  This is especially important for the public voting, they may not realize your submission is contained in an attachment.

If you make a change to your submission it will not be visable again until it is re-vetted, please be patient.

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