U.S.-Indonesia Joint Commission and Bilateral Meeting

Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
September 17, 2010


Following is the text of the joint statement released at the conclusion of the first meeting of the U.S.-Indonesia Joint Commission, held in Washington, D.C. on September 17, 2010.


U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and Indonesian Foreign Minister Marty Natalegawa met in Washington on September 17, 2010, for the inaugural meeting of the U.S.-Indonesia Joint Commission.

The Joint Commission is a key component of President Obama and President Yudhoyono’s long-term commitment to broadening, deepening, and elevating bilateral relations between Indonesia and the United States to confront the challenges of the 21st century. Chaired by Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Natalegawa, this framework within the Comprehensive Partnership strengthens bilateral collaboration on a broad range of issues in order to promote peace, stability, and economic prosperity, not only for the United States and Indonesia, but also regionally and globally. The Comprehensive Partnership allows our two countries to fully explore and build upon our shared national interests, maximizes cooperation on our mutual priorities, and strengthens the already rich relationship between the people of Indonesia and the United States.

Secretary Clinton and Minister Natalegawa pledged to deepen relations between the two countries by affirming a Plan of Action for the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership covering political and security cooperation; economic and development cooperation; and cooperation in socio-cultural, educational, science and technology matters. The two ministers also reaffirmed that the U.S.-Indonesia relationship is an enduring friendship based on our common values including democracy, tolerance, respect for human rights and diversity, and our joint promotion of economic development.

They pledged that the United States and Indonesia, as important partners, would engage in close, frequent consultations on global and regional developments. Both recognized the significance of enhanced cooperation between two of the largest democracies in the world, the opportunities for economic and development cooperation, and the value of fostering mutual understanding through people-to-people exchanges.

The two ministers affirmed that the Joint Commission and its Working Groups are to assist both countries in overcoming shared challenges using the Plan of Action for the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership. They reconfirmed that the Working Groups have been charged with coordinating strategies and highlighting policy initiatives and priorities in the areas of Democracy and Civil Society; Education; Climate and Environment; Trade and Investment; Security; and Energy. The two ministers also agreed to explore the possibility of additional working groups, as appropriate.

Working Group on Democracy and Civil Society
The co-chairs of the Working Group on Democracy and Civil Society shared with Secretary Clinton and Foreign Minister Natalegawa their mutually agreed upon mission statement of promoting good governance, enhancing democracy, and strengthening human rights protection through dialogue and capacity building. The two officials reported that under this mission statement, the thematic focus of strategies and activities will be on elections and political participation, freedom of information and expression, conflict resolution, promoting basic human rights, civil society, freedom of association, transparency, anti-corruption efforts, and strengthening the rule of law Through these efforts, they pledged to seize short- and long-term opportunities to enhance U.S.-Indonesia cooperation on democracy at the bilateral, regional and global level.

Working Group on Education
The co-chairs of the Working Group on Education reported to Secretary Clinton and Minister Natalegawa on the shared vision underlying the announcement at the Toronto G-20 of the U.S.-Indonesian Higher Education Partnership. They re-iterated the goals of increasing the number of Indonesian students studying in the United States and boosting the number of American students studying in Indonesia over the next five years. They also recognized the value of increasing and strengthening university-to-university partnerships, supporting increases in government-sponsored educational exchange programs, and engaging the resources and expertise of the private sector, foundations and the higher education community. They affirmed the need to share best practices to enhance the provision of quality education and to invite private-sector entities to leverage their knowledge and technology towards shared goals.

Working Group on Climate and Environment
The co-chairs of the Working Group on Climate and Environment reaffirmed the components of the U.S.-Indonesia Comprehensive Partnership on climate change announced at the G-20 meeting in Toronto this year. They pledged to use the Working Group as a forum to exchange best practices and information regarding climate change and the environment. The officials agreed to focus attention on land use change, peatlands, and forests; marine environments and oceans; and environmental management and policy. They also identified the SOLUSI Partnership and the Climate Change Center as vehicles to make progress on these fronts. They acknowledged the need to incorporate education and public outreach in all their endeavors.

Working Group on Trade and Investment
In advance of the Joint Commission meeting, Deputy USTR Ambassador Demetrios Marantis and Vice Minister of Trade Mahendra Siregar met in Indonesia to assess progress made by both governments in improving the bilateral trade and investment relationship following the last Trade and Investment Council (TIC) meeting in Washington, D.C., on May 13-15, 2009. They reaffirmed their commitment to strengthen cooperation in the field of trade and investment and to resolve remaining issues within the framework of the TIC/TIFA.

Working Group on Security
The co-chairs of the Working Group on Security reported to Secretary Clinton and Minister Natalegawa on the result of the last meeting of Indonesia – United States Security Dialogue (IUSSD) in Washington, D.C., on May 25-26, 2010. They reaffirmed the strong security relationship the two countries share, and pledged to continue close cooperation on programs related to maritime security, humanitarian assistance and disaster relief, peacekeeping, and defense reform and professionalization. The chairs also reported on the recent signing of the Framework Arrangement on Cooperative Activities in the Field of Defense, and highlighted the annual Indonesia-United States Security Dialogue as the pre-eminent forum for the two countries to discuss security issues. The Indonesian delegation shared information on TNI reform toward professionalization, modernization, and respect for human rights.

Working Group on Energy
The co-chairs of the Working Group on Energy reported to Secretary Clinton and Minister Natalegawa on the result and follow-up of the last meeting of Energy Policy Dialogue (EPD) in Washington, D.C., on June 28-30, 2010. The EPD is the primary mechanism for bilateral cooperation and policy discussions in the areas of mutual energy security, energy trade and investment, and the deployment of clean and efficient energy technologies. At the June EPD meeting, both sides agreed to identify two to three new areas in which to expand cooperative bilateral activities. Indonesia proposed focusing on an information exchange on policies to improve the investment climate, build capacity and promote sustainable economic development; participation in Methane to Markets; and encouraging public-private investment partnerships in the energy sector. Both delegations pledged to increase communication at the technical and working level and are developing a concrete work plan.

Secretary Clinton and Minister Natalegawa reaffirmed the importance of the Joint Commission in strengthening the bilateral relationship and offering a strategic vision for enhanced future cooperation. The two delegations look forward to future discussions on issues raised at the Commission through official interactions, working groups, and existing bilateral dialogues. Both countries pledged to intensify discussions on how to further deepen and broaden cooperation.

The two sides plan to hold the next meeting of the Joint Commission in Indonesia in 2011.
For the text of the Plan of Action to Implement the Indonesia-U.S. Comprehensive Partnership, click here.

PRN: 2010/1279

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