103rd Airlift Wing, Connecticut Air National Guard   Right Corner Banner
Join the Air National Guard

Questions > FAQ Topic

Are there certain qualifications?

Each member must be of age and be a high school graduate. Each interested applicant must complete a physical and an Air Force aptitude test also known as the ASVAB.

How do I join the Air National Guard?

The first step in joining the Air National Guard is to talk to an Advisor. Click here to contact us.

What does 1 weekend a month and 2 weeks a year include?

Each member is required to attend unit training assemblies (UTA) one weekend a month. The UTA duty day is from 8:00am-4:30pm. Each day will include training and the operation of your job. The other 2 weeks a year are annual training days that must be completed to ensure that the member has completed all required training for their specific career field. This time is slotted to attend training schools or training at the base.

What is my commitment?

 You have an option of enlisting for 6 years. Your commitment to the Air Guard is typically working one weekend each month and 15 annual training days every year.

What is the Air National Guard?

The Air National Guard is a civilian reserve component of the United States Air Force that provides prompt mobilization during war and assistance during national emergencies.

In the US military, the Air National Guard (ANG), as part of the National Guard, is the organized militia of a particular US state and is a reserve component of the US Air Force (USAF), too. Each state, territory, and the District of Columbia has an Air National Guard. As Federally-organized militia, Air National Guard units are liable to activation by both the President of the United States and the governor of the state in which the ANG unit resides.

When can I join?

You can join at the age of 17 with parental consent or at the age of 18 with out parental consent. For those joining at age 17, you can join in the summer before your senior year of high school.

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