Pay Plans Summary

The following chart summarizes the differences between the four retirement plans.

Retirement Plan Basis Multiplier COLA Readjustment Bonus
Final Pay Final basic pay 2.5% per year CPI None None
High-36 Average of highest 36 months of basic pay 2.5% per year CPI None None
CSB/REDUX Average of highest 36 months of basic pay same as High-36 with reduction of one percentage point for each year short of 30 years of service CPI - 1% At age 62,
1) retired pay made equal to High-36
2) future multiplier made equal to High-36
3) future COLA continues at CPR-1%
$30,000 at 15th year of service with obligation to serve 20 year career
Disability Either Final Pay or High-36 as appropriate 2.5% per year or % of disability member's choice CPI None None

The below chart provides the basic criteria to determine which retirement plan applies to you. More detail is available in the section titled Retirement.

Retirement Plan Criteria to Receive
Final Pay Entry before September 8, 1980
High-36 Entry on or after September 8, 1980, but before August 1, 1986 OR Entered on or after August 1, 1986, and did not choose the Career Status Bonus and REDUX retirement system
CSB/REDUX Entered on or after August 1, 1986, AND elected to receive the Career Status Bonus (if you do not elect to receive the Career Status Bonus, you will be under the High-3 retirement system)
Disability Determined medically unfit for continued service with a DoD disability rating of at least 30%