

Florida Aircraft Owner Pleads Guilty to Falsifying Maintenance Records

July 18, 2008


On July 18, 2008, in Miami, Florida, Richard Fitzgerald Hammond, owner and operator of ENGINE AIR, INC., pled guilty to falsifying maintenance records for the overhaul of aircraft engines. The DOT/OIG investigation revealed Mr. Hammond illegally repaired general aviation aircraft engines and returned them to service as airworthy. Mr. Hammond’s FAA Airframe and Powerplant mechanic certification was revoked by FAA in December 2004 for falsification of engine repair documents; however, Mr. Hammond continued to certify engines as overhauled even though he knew he was not certified and was not authorized to do so. Mr. Hammond admitted he illegally returned to service one engine that was to be used on an aircraft belonging to an FAA commercial air taxi. Sentencing has not been scheduled.
