

Florida Pilot Sentenced For Making False Statements On Medical Forms

June 01, 2007


On June 1, Vincent Milo was ordered by a U.S. District Court judge in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to pay a $1,000 fine and serve three years probation as a result of his conviction on charges of false statements on his applications for his 2002 and 2004 airman's medical certificates. Milo, a private pilot from Hillsboro Beach, Florida, was ordered to serve the initial six months probation in home confinement. A Federal jury convicted Milo in March of two counts of making false statements regarding his use of prescription medication. Milo claimed that he was not taking any prescription drugs when, in fact, he was receiving workers compensation from the U.S. Postal Service and was taking prescription medications. This investigation was conducted with the U.S. Postal Service OIG.
