Spin Polarized Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer (SPINS)

Photograph of NCNR's Spin Polarized
         Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer (SPINS)

SPINS is located on guide NG-5. SPINS operates in a number of different modes inculding conventional triple axis mode, horizontally focusing mode, position-sensitive detector (PSD) and polarized beam mode. A vertically focusing pyrolytic graphite (PG) monochromator produces beams with wavelengths from 2.42 to 5.84 �. Energy resolution is in the range of 0.02 to 1 meV, depending on incident wavelength and collimation.

A multi-crystal analyzer with 11 PG blades provides horizontal focussing capability. The focusing is fully automated and controlled from the instrument computer. A two-dimensional position-sensitive detector (PSD) is also available. With the multi-crystal analyzer, the PSD (20 cm � 25 cm in area) can simultaneously probe scattering events with different momentum and energy transfer.

In the polarized beam mode of operation, supermirror transmission polarizers, consisting of a stack of single crystal Si plates with Fe/Si supermirror coatings, are inserted in the incident and scattered beams.

Instrument Scientists:
Deepak Singh (301) 975 4863 dsingh@nist.gov
Leland Harriger (301) 975 8360 leland.harriger@nist.gov

The SPINS pages are maintained by Deepak Singh
Last modified 2009.01.17