In Case You Missed It

Defending the Indefensible: A Tough Day for the President’s Budget
Highlights from House Budget Committee Hearing with OMB Acting Director Jeffrey Zients
February 15, 2012
Earlier today, the House Budget Committee examined the President’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request, receiving testimony from Office of Management and Budget Acting Director Jeffrey Zients.

Chairman Paul Ryan Dismantles the President’s Misleading Claims


The President continues to assert that policy changes proposed in his budget will result in $4 trillion in deficit reduction. The claim is simply false. House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan unpacks the false claims and the gimmicks used to arrive at that number – revealing a deep divide between reality and the Administration’s rhetoric.

Where is the President's $4 Trillion Savings?
The President's Claims vs. Reality

The President’s Budget Balances….Never


OMB Director Contradicts the Administration’s Arguments before the Supreme Court


OMB Acting Director Zients contradicts the Administration’s argument before the Supreme Court on the constitutionality of the President’s health care law. The Administration claims the power to impose an unprecedented federal mandate to purchase government-approved health insurance if the enforcement mechanism is a tax. In testimony before the House Budget Committee, OMB Director Zients argues the opposite, claiming the enforcement mechanism is not a tax.

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