Hydrographic Services Review Panel  
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NOAA's Hydrographic Services Review Panel

HSRP 2012 Membership Solicitation (Federal Register Notice)

2012 Hydrographic Services Review Panel Members

NOAA Announces new panel members for the Hydrographic Services Review Panel. (Press Release)

HSRP 2010 Update Report

HSRP Special Report 2007 cover NOAA's Hydrographic Services Review Panel (HSRP) officially releases its HSRP Most Wanted Hydrographic Services Improvements: 2010 Update Report. The HSRP 2010 Update Report presents to the NOAA Administrator its top priority findings and recommendations after a three-year assessment of NOAA Navigation Services programs. Click on cover to download.

In October 2003, Secretary of Commerce Don Evans established the Hydrographic Services Review Panel as directed by the Hydrographic Services Improvement Act of 2002, Public Law 107-372. The Panel is composed of a diverse field of experts in hydrographic surveying, vessel pilotage, port administration, tides and currents, coastal zone management, geodesy, recreational boating, marine transportation, and academia. Advice from this panel will assist in addressing NOAA’s strategic plan to improve the nation's marine transportation system and NOAA’s plans to support commerce with world-class products and services that will help ensure safe, efficient and environmentally sound marine transportation.

For further information please contact:

NOAA Hydrographic Services Review Panel
1315 East-West Highway
SSMC3, N/CS, room 6127
Silver Spring, MD 20910
E-mail: hydroservices.panel@noaa.gov
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