

Grassley News

Keeping in Touch
I hope you’ll continue to keep in touch and contact me with your comments and questions.
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Health Care's Sprawling Bureaucracy 
Implementation of the new health care law will require dozens of new federal entities and give unelected bureaucrats enormous power in how the changes to the health care system will affect Americans.
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United States Senate Youth Program
Applications for the United States Senate Youth Program are due on October 4, 2010.  Two Iowa students will be selected to participate and join 102 other student delegates to meet with senators, cabinet officers, other executive branch leaders and policy-makers. 
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Stimulus Funds for Public Housing Lack Oversight
Since March, Senator Kit Bond and I have been asking questions of the Department of Housing and Urban Development about stimulus dollars going to public housing authorities with a track record of mismanagement. The issues we raised... Read more

Keeping in Touch Through Social Media
I work to keep in touch and listen to what Iowans have to say. New technologies continue to change the speed and method of communication options, giving us new ways to keep the conversation going. It’s important to me that I’m available to communicate with you in as many ways as possible. For some, communicating through social media websites is a good way to keep in touch. So I’m on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube... Read more

Making Representative Government Work
It's important to hear from a cross-section of Iowans to get a firsthand feel for what's going on at the grass roots.  That's why I've been meeting with people around the state to have face-to-face dialogues with... Read more

More Immigration Meddling
Over the past few months, there’s been a push for the executive branch to halt the deportation of millions of illegal immigrants currently in the United States.  If done, this would be a unilateral move amounting to amnesty without a vote from Congress.  In July, I asked the Administration to account for a memo written by lawyers at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, the federal agency responsible for providing immigration benefits.  The memo describes a way for the Administration to use special discretionary authority to provide backdoor amnesty to illegal immigrants, completely avoiding Congress and the process... Read more

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