

Grassley News

Keeping in Touch
I hope you’ll continue to keep in touch and contact me with your comments and questions.
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Reducing Tuition Sticker Shock 
Sticker shock quickly sets in after paying for college textbooks, fees and room/board. I continue to work for tax policies to help parents and students access higher education, including seeing that that university endowments use their tax-exempt status to help make tuition affordable.
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Pledge of Allegiance
We pledge allegiance to the flag to show our allegiance to the founding principles of our country as expressed in the Declaration of Independence and embodied in the U.S. Constitution. 
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Two-Way Dialogue
Representative government is a two-way street. It requires dialogue between those of us elected and those we represent. I’ve gone to every county, every year I’ve represented Iowa in the Senate for back-and-forth communication with constituents... Read more

Enforce Ban on Sex Offenders Accessing Public Housing Benefits
I’m working to make sure federal public housing officials and Congress take action to prevent convicted sex offenders from receiving taxpayer-funded housing benefits. The law prohibits such benefits... Read more

Stop Inmates from Getting Cell Phones
Common sense won out with the law that was enacted this month to prevent inmates from using cell phones to commit crimes from federal prison. I sponsored the legislation -- the Cell Phone Contraband Act... Read more

Tracking the Auto Bailout
I’m working to hold the Treasury Department accountable for the sale of the taxpayers’ share of General Motors and make sure taxpayers get the very best deal possible after having funded the government’s takeover of the automaker. I didn’t support the government bailout of the automakers. And I’ll continue to do whatever I can to make sure taxpayers are repaid to the maximum extent possible. The need for accountability with the Treasury Department and GM was emphasized by... Read more

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