October 1, 2012

Keeping in Touch

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Grassley Direct

AgriTalk host Mike Adams and I discussed the status of a new farm bill mid-day today during his live broadcast. AgriTalk airs throughout middle America, including 12 stations in Iowa.
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The Fiscal Cliff

Tax increases and spending cuts are in limbo due to inaction by congressional leaders and the President. The resulting uncertainty works against what Washington needs to do to improve the environment for economic activity and job creation in the private sector.
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Independent Investigation Released on Gunwalking Program

Over the course of a nearly two-year congressional investigation, we’ve learned of many tragic results of Operation Fast and Furious, the ill-fated gunwalking program of the Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, that may have lead to the death of U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and... Read more
Throwing Money Away

Federal Health Care Buck Stops With Taxpayers

When the federal government writes checks to promote the President’s health care plan on network television, and when tax-exempt hospitals game federal drug discount programs to pad their bottom lines, the taxpayers foot the bill. As a country, we can’t afford to let this kind of spending go unanswered. The federal government faces looming mandatory budget cuts... Read more
Woody, plumber, figures out the charges, and writes down credit card number for charging, calculator, he has workingman hands, Seattle, Washington, USA

Stopping Abuse of Government Charge Cards

Perseverance pays off. In September, Congress gave final approval to a reform initiative I launched nearly 10 years ago by exposing purchases made by federal workers with government purchase and travel cards, including kitchen appliances, jewelry, gambling, cruises, and even the tab at gentlemen’s clubs and legalized brothels. It shouldn’t take a decade for Washington... Read more

The Terrorist Threat

Intelligence officials have confirmed that the fatal attack on the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans last month was a carefully planned terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9-11. The terrorist threat against Americans and the American way of life remains and is deadly. The assault on freedom from al Qaeda and its allies continues. President Obama’s foreign policy priorities are less clear than they should be after his response to the attacks in Libya. Last week, despite the crisis expanding throughout the Middle East, he decided not to meet with a single world leader at the U.N. General Assembly in New York. Last year, the President held 13 bilateral meetings. This year... Read more

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