February 20, 2012

Keeping in Touch

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Grassley Direct

Jim Turbes of KWBG Radio in Boone and Dave Paxton of the Albia Monroe County News asked about Xi Jinping’s visit to Iowa, the new health care rule and religious liberties, a payroll tax holiday, Justice Ginsberg’s comments about the Constitution, and regard for whistleblowers during a 10-minute Q&A last Thursday.
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Religious Liberty

The President’s attempt to ignore the freedom of religion guaranteed in the Bill of Rights is unconstitutional and unconscionable, and Congress should act on the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act.
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Safeguarding National Security and Tax Dollars

It’s ultimately up to Congress whether to approve the recent recommendation by the Air Force that would retire the 21 F-16 fighter aircraft assigned to the Iowa Air National Guard in Des Moines. Lawmakers should consider that the Air National Guard is “cheaper, equally capable, and fits better with the Constitutional approach to defense laid out by the Framers,” as has been argued by the leaders of the Senate Guard Caucus, Senator Lindsay Graham of South Carolina and Senator Patrick... Read more

Beef Producers, Exports Hurt by Stalled BSE Rule

It’s generally agreed upon that exports are the key to increasing demand for U.S. beef products. Unfortunately, our own government is hindering progress in opening new markets for these products. A comprehensive rule for beef imports that would make the United States compliant with international trade standards set by the World Organization for Animal Health has been caught in the federal bureaucracy for several years. So, I led a bipartisan group... Read more


Budget Challenges Require Leadership

On the Senate floor last Thursday, I said President Obama’s proposed budget fails because it raises taxes to fuel more government spending and would lead to higher deficits and debt, at the expense of the next generation. The proposal lacks support even from Democratic lawmakers, as the Senate Majority Leader recently said he would not put forward a budget for consideration this year. Last year, every senator voted (97-0) against President Obama’s budget proposal... Read more

New Answers Needed on Cybersecurity

If your business’ website, your credit card or your personal email has ever been compromised, you understand the real threat of cybersecurity. It’s a concern that needs to be taken very seriously. Unfortunately, a bill that was introduced last week to address cybersecurity threats has its own serious problems. The legislation is a new, heavy-handed, costly regulation and a further expansion of government bureaucracy that will slow our nation’s response to cyber-threats and increase vulnerabilities. That’s why several of us in the Senate are working together to stop the fast track this legislation appears to be on and are putting together alternative legislation to address cybersecurity threats without the overreaching hand of the government... Read more

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