August 19, 2011

Keeping in Touch

I hope you’ll continue to keep in touch and contact me with your comments and questions.
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Grassley Direct

As one of only a few family farmers in the U.S. Senate, I’m honored to represent the people feeding and fueling the world. Answering questions from farm broadcasters and reporters about the latest agricultural issues is part of my weekly effort to communicate with Iowans on this important topic.
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Missouri River Flooding

Communities and individuals deserve prompt action by the Army Corps of Engineers and Congress to prioritize flood control in Missouri River management.
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New Question for Securities Fraud Agency: Why Shred Investigative Files?

"Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail?" That was the headline of an article blaming the financial crisis on a culture of greed in Manhattan combined with weak enforcement in Washington. The headline is exaggerated – there are law-abiding people on Wall Street, and the economy relies on the securities markets – but the critics of the enforcement system have valid points. The Securities... Read more

More Fast and Furious Guns Found at Violent Crime Scenes

I began looking into allegations brought to me in January by courageous whistleblowers about an ill-advised policy known as Fast and Furious, implemented by the Justice Department and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). In March, Congressman Darrell Issa, the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, joined my efforts. Since then, congressional investigators have interviewed dozens... Read more


Crossing the Finish Line

This month I’m finishing my annual effort to hold a constituent meeting in each of Iowa’s 99 counties. I’ve done this every year since Iowans first elected me to the United States Senate. These meetings give me a chance to talk face-to-face with Iowans on any topic. I go to them to respond to questions and listen to what they have to say. In turn, Iowans do their part by speaking up and participating in the discussion... Read more

Democracy in Action

Every four years, national reporters focus on Iowa’s first-in-the-nation presidential caucuses. The state fair is often a back-drop for news coverage, showcasing Iowa classics such as the quality and variety of our livestock and agricultural commodities and the famous cow sculpted out of butter. Also on view is the civic-mindedness that puts the White House hopefuls through their paces every four years. Regardless of your political affiliation, it’s exciting to have the nation learn more about Iowa. And it’s invigorating to be reminded of how individual citizens propel our democracy forward. Iowa’s presidential caucuses have been a fixture for decades. Thousands of Iowans gather in public meeting halls, schools, gymnasiums and even private homes to elect delegates for the 99 county... Read more


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