Business Opportunities

Opportunities are available for businesses to support Coast Survey's mission of promoting safe navigation. For example, contracting for hydrographic surveys under Architect-Engineer Services has increased dramatically over the last 10 years.

NOAA utilizes contract cartographic services from a number of companies to support the compilation of paper and electronic charts. Opportunities are also available for businesses to become chart sales agents for paper nautical charts or electronic chart distributors. 

Employment Opportunities
  •  Employment Opportunities
  •  Student Internships and Employment
  •  NOAA Careers Website
Sell NOAA Charting Products
  •  Become a Nautical Chart Agent
  •  NOAA RNC Distributorship
  •  NOAA ENC® Distributorship
  •  PocketChart Publisher/Partner
  •  Certification of Nautical Charting Products
Contracting Within Coast Survey
  •  Contract Hydrographic Surveys
Two hands shaking

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