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Alumni Projects Competition

The Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Embassy is pleased to announce an alumni projects competition. Alumni from programs that were funded by the State Department's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs are eligible to apply. The program is aimed at maintaining contacts with US Government-funded exchange and training programs alumni and encouraging networking among alumni and their colleagues in fields that promote democratic advancement and economic reform. Funding will be granted through an open competition. If you are interested in submitting a project, please contact the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section at (017) 217-04-81. We will be glad to provide you with more details about the program and the application form. The completed application form should be submitted to the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section in Minsk.

Alumni may apply for the following purposes:

  • Initiate a public or community service program (Earth Day Clean Ups; Social marketing theater presentations on health issues; Assistance for orphanages; Activities/programs reaching out to people with disabilities);
  • Provide support for alumni association events;
  • Organize training programs or conferences for professional colleagues and/or other alumni;
  • Request continued funding for existing alumni centers, and start-up costs for alumni associations;
  • Organize alumni networking events;
  • Develop and publish textbooks, brochures, pamphlets, or related reference or educational materials on topics that further USG assistance goals;
  • Conduct other projects that support the goals of the program.