Ben Cardin - Senator for Maryland

Cardin and Other Officials Celebrate Grand Opening of ELTA North America Facility In Fulton

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FULTON, MD -- U.S Senators Ben Cardin, and Barbara Mikulski (both D-MD), joined  Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, Howard Country Executive Ken Ulman and Israeli Ambassador to the United States, Dr. Michael Oren for the opening celebration of  ELTA North America’s new facility in Fulton.   ELTA North America is an Israeli defense company established in 2011 that develops electronic systems solutions in the ground, maritime, airborne and security domains for the U.S. government and other markets.

“Locating ELTA North America in Maryland is a clear indication that our state's workforce has the skills and education for the highly specialized, high-tech jobs that are required,” said Senator Cardin, a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “Our nation and Israel have a strong partnership based on trust and shared values. This new facility is important to both our countries because it will strengthen both nation's defenses and security needs.”

“The opening of this cutting-edge defense manufacturing facility is good news for Howard County and will support science and innovation jobs here in Maryland,” Senator Mikulski said. “This shows the partnership between the United States and our strong ally Israel. By supporting high-tech manufacturing, Maryland continues to the lead the way with the best scientists, inventors and entrepreneurs that are creating jobs today and jobs tomorrow.”

“In choosing Maryland, ELTA recognizes that we offer the right combination of a highly-educated workforce in technology and engineering, remain on the cutting edge of science and discovery, and provide easy access to key decision makers in the defense and homeland security community,” said Governor O’Malley. “We are pleased that ELTA will invest in Maryland – a reflection of our State’s support for our growing high-tech industry, and affirmation that we are a leader in the nation’s innovation economy.”

“As allies in the global war on terrorism, the U.S. and Israeli defense communities are working together to provide our troops on the front lines and behind the scenes the best technology possible to keep our citizens safe,” said Congressman Ruppersberger, who is Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee. “ELTA’s choice of Maryland will only strengthen our state’s reputation as a science and engineering leader while providing quality jobs for Maryland families.”


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