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[policy_paper]North Korea Continues to Test Obama’s World View
[policy_paper]Questions for CIA Nominee Brennan
[press_release]Barrasso Op-Ed: No Hagel for Defense
[policy_paper]Global Zero Questions for Chuck Hagel
[press_release]Barrasso Op-Ed: Chuck Hagel's Unsettling History
[policy_paper]Questions for Secretary of State Nominee Kerry
[policy_paper]30 Questions for Chuck Hagel
[leg_notice]Legistlative Notice: H.R. 5949 – FISA Amendments Reauthorization Act
[leg_notice]Highlights of H.R. 4310: FY13 Defense Authorization Bill (Conference Report)
[policy_paper]North Korea’s Missile Test: Past Actions and Next Steps
[leg_notice]Legislative Notice: H.R. 6156 – Russia PNTR
[press_release]Barrasso Op-Ed: Undermining the Peace Process Should Come at a Cost
[leg_notice]Legislative Notice: Treaty Doc 112-7: Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
[leg_notice]Legislative Notice: S. 3254 – FY13 Defense Authorization Bill
[policy_paper]Expiring Intelligence Authorities: Another Year-End Task
[policy_paper]Ten National Security Questions for President Obama
[policy_paper]Libya: An Ever-shifting Narrative
[policy_paper]Biden Foreign Policy Claims Belied by the Facts
[press_release]Barrasso Op-Ed: Obama Needs to Provide Answers in U.N. Speech
[policy_paper]The Failure of Obama’s Personal Diplomacy