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Rulemaking Archives

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Docket Number Title Last Published Date Status
PHMSA 2009-0192 Pipeline Safety: Damage Prevention Programs-Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Apr 2, 2012   In Process  
PHMSA-2010-0026 Miscellaneous Changes to Pipeline Safety Regulations; Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Nov 29, 2011   In Process  
PHMSA-2011-0009 Expanding the Use of Excess Flow Valves in Gas Distribution Systems to Applications Other Than Single-Family Residences - Advance notice of proposed rulemaking   Nov 25, 2011   In Process  
PHMSA-2011-0023 Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines - Advance notice of proposed rulemaking; extension of comment period   Nov 16, 2011   In Process  
PHMSA-2011-0023 Pipeline Safety: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines - Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM)   Aug 25, 2011   In Process  
PHMSA-2008-0186 Pipeline Safety: Applying Safety Regulations to All Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Low-Stress Lines   Jul 21, 2011   Completed  
PHMSA-2007-27954 Control Room Management/Human Factors; Change in Implementation Period   Jun 16, 2011   Completed  
PHMSA-2008-0186 Applying Safety Regulations to All Rural Onshore Hazardous Liquid Low-Stress Lines   May 5, 2011   Completed  
PHMSA-RSPA-2004-19854 Pipeline Safety:  Mechanical Fittings Failure Reporting Requirements   Feb 1, 2011   Completed  
PHMSA-2008-0291 Pipeline Safety:  Updates to Pipeline and Liquified Natural Gas Reporting Requirements   Nov 26, 2010   Completed  
PHMSA-2010-0229 Pipeline Safety:  Safety of on-shore hazardous liquid pipelines   Oct 18, 2010   In Process  
PHMSA-2007-27954 Pipeline Safety: Control Room Management/Human Factors   Sep 17, 2010   Completed  
PHMSA-08-0186 Pipeline Safety: Applying Safety Regulations to all rural on shore hazardous low stress pipelines   Jun 22, 2010   Completed  
PHMSA-RSPA-04-19854 Pipeline Safety: Integrity Management Program for Gas Distribution Pipelines (DIMP)   Dec 4, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-07-27954 Control Room Management/Human Factors   Dec 3, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-09-0265 Editorial Amendments to Pipeline Regulations.   Nov 30, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-2009-0192 Pipeline Safety: Pipeline Damage Prevention Program   Oct 26, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-2008-0301 Periodic Update of Regulatory References to Technical Standards and Miscellaneous Edits   Jul 22, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-2009-0291 Pipeline Safety: Updates to Pipeline and Liquefied Natural Gas Reporting Requirements (One Rule)   Jul 2, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-08-0334 Incorporation by Reference Update: American Petroleum Institute (API) Standards 5L and 1104   Apr 14, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-07-0033 Administrative Procedures, Address Updates, and Technical Admendments.   Jan 16, 2009   Completed  
PHMSA-05-21305 Polyamid 11 (PA-11) Plastic Pipe Pressure Design   Dec 24, 2008   Completed  
PHMSA-05-23447 Standards for Increasing Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure on Gas Transmission Pipelines   Oct 17, 2008   Completed  
RSPA-03-15864 Protecting Unusually Sensitive areas from Rural onshore hazardous liquid gathering lines and low stress lines   Jun 3, 2008   Completed  
PHMSA-03-15852 Applicability of Public Awareness Regulations to certain Gas Distribution Operators.   Dec 13, 2007   Completed  
PHMSA-04-18938 Integrity management program modifications and clarifications   Jul 17, 2007   Completed  
PHMSA-05-22642 Design and Construction Standards to reduce internal corrosion in gas transmission pipelines.   Apr 23, 2007   Completed  
PHMSA-05-21253 Update to Regulatory References to Technical Standards   Feb 1, 2007   Completed  
PHMSA-05-21253 Update of Regulatory References to Technical Standards.   Jun 9, 2006   Completed  
PHMSA-98-4868 Gas gathering line definition; Alternative definition for onshore lines and new safety standards.   Mar 15, 2006   Completed  
RSPA-04-16855 Standards for direct assesment of gas and hazardous liquid pipelines.   Oct 25, 2005   In Process  
RSPA-03-15734 Operator qualification; Statutory changes.   Jun 15, 2005   Completed  
RSPA-03-15852 Pipeline Operator Public Awareness Program.   May 19, 2005   Completed  
RIN 2137-AD77 Agency Reorganization: Nomenclature change and technical Amendments.   Mar 8, 2005   Completed  
RSPA-03-16560 Response Plans for Onshore Transportation-Related Oil Pipelines   Feb 23, 2005   Completed  
RSPA-99-6106 Periodic Updates to Pipeline Safety Regulations   Jan 21, 2005   Completed  
RSPA-97-3001 Periodic Underwater Inspections   Aug 10, 2004   Completed  
RSPA-03-14456 Liquefied natural gas facilities; clarifying and updating safety standards.   Jul 12, 2004   Completed  
RSPA-00-7666 Pipeline integrity management in high consequences areas (gas transmission pipelines)   May 26, 2004   Completed  
RSPA-02-13208 Pressure Limiting and Regulating Stations   May 17, 2004   Completed  
RSPA-00-0766 Pipeline Safety: High Consequence Areas for Gas Transmission Pipelines.   Jan 15, 2004   Completed  
RSPA-01-9832 Hazardous Liquid Pipeline Operator Annual Reports   Jan 6, 2004   Completed  
OST-02-13435 Procedures for transporation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs:  Drug and alcohol management information reporting system   Dec 31, 2003   Completed  
RSPA-97-2717 Recommendations to change hazardous liquid pipeline safety standards   Sep 11, 2003   Completed  
RSPA-99-6132 Producer-operated outer continental shelf natural gas and hazardous liquid pipelines that cross directly into state waters.   Aug 5, 2003   Completed  
RSPA-97-2762 Pipeline Integrity Management in High Consequence Areas (Hazardous Liquid Operators with Less than 500 miles of pipelines)   Jul 17, 2002   Completed  
RSPA-00-7408 Pipeline Integrity Management in high consequences areas (Hazardous liquids operators with less than 500 miles of pipelines)   Jan 16, 2002   Completed  
RSPA-99-6355 Pipeline Integrity Management in high consequence areas (repair criteria)   Jan 14, 2002   Completed  
RSPA-01-8663 Hazardous liquid pipeline accident reporting revisions   Jan 8, 2002   Completed  
RSPA-00-8417 Drug  and alcohol testing for pipeline facility employees   Sep 11, 2001   Completed  
OST-99-6578 Transportation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs: Response to comments on pre-employment inquiry requirement; common preamble for DOT agency conforming rules   Dec 19, 2000   Completed  
RSPA-97-3002 Incorportation of standard NFPA 59A in the liquified natural gas regulations   Mar 1, 2000   Completed  
OST-98-4777 Amendment to Opiate Threshold limit   Nov 25, 1998   Completed  
OST-1 Organization and Delegation of powers and duties; Delegation to the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard   Nov 4, 1998   Completed  
PS-153 Metric equivalents   Jul 13, 1998   Completed  
RSPA-97-2362 Incorporation by reference of industry standard on leak detection   Jul 6, 1998   Completed  
RSPA-97-2251 Periodic updates to pipeline safety regulations   May 4, 1998   Completed  
PS-121 Pressure testing older hazardous liquid and carbon dioxide pipelines.   Mar 31, 1998   Completed  
RSPA-97-2096 Regulations implementing memorandum of understanding with the department of interior   Mar 19, 1998   Completed  
PS-128 Alcohol misuse prevention program   Mar 17, 1998   Completed  
PS-130 Change in response plan review cycle   Mar 3, 1998   Completed  
PS-117 Low stress hazardous liquid pipelines serving plants and terminals   Feb 27, 1998   Completed  
PS-118A Excess flow valve-customer notification   Feb 3, 1998   Completed  
PS-151 Control of drug use and alcohol misuse in natural gas, liquid pipeline operations.   Dec 24, 1997   Completed  
PS-101A Mandatory participation in qualified one-call systems by pipeline operators   Nov 19, 1997   Completed  
RSP-3 Availability of interpretations of hazardous materials and pipeline safety regulations; correction   Jun 26, 1997   Completed  
RSPA-97-2522 Availability of interpretations of hazardous materials and pipeline safety regulations; correction   Jun 26, 1997   Completed  
PS-152 Reporting of drugs and alcohol testing results.   Feb 21, 1997   Completed  
PS-118 Excess Flow Valve-Performance Standards.   Jan 17, 1997   Completed  
RSP-2 Pipeline Safety Rulemaking Procedures   Sep 27, 1996   Completed  
PS-125 Regulatory reinvention initiative:  Pipeline safety program procedures; Reporting requirements; gas pipeline standards and liquefied natural gas facilities standards.   Aug 30, 1996   Completed  
PS-124 Regulatory Review; gas pipeline safety standards; correction   Aug 7, 1996   Completed  
PS-145 Pipeline safety program procedures; Update and corrections; correction   Jul 24, 1996   Completed  
OST-95-321 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs   Jul 19, 1996   Completed  
OST-96-1533 Amendment to the definition of "substance abuse professional"   Jul 17, 1996   Completed  
OST-96-1532 Admendments to Laboratory Certification Requirements   Jul 16, 1996   Completed  
PS-143 Periodic updates to the pipeline safety regulations   Jul 15, 1996   Completed  
PS-94 Pipeline Operator Qualification   Jul 2, 1996   Completed  
RSP-1 Direct Final Rule Procedure; Petitions for Rulemaking   Jun 14, 1996   Completed  
OST-96-1295 Update of Drug and Alcohol Procedural Rules   Apr 29, 1996   Completed  
OST-96-1132 Amendment to Definition of "Substance Abuse Professional"   Mar 12, 1996   Completed  
PS-106 Transportation of Hydrogen Sulfide by Pipeline   Mar 7, 1996   Completed  
PS-102 Control of drug use and alcohol misuse in natural gas, liquified natural gas, and hazardous liquid pipeline operations; alcohol misuse prevention program   Feb 14, 1996   Completed  
PS-135 Customer owned service lines   Dec 11, 1995   Completed  
OST-50018 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs; Non-Evidential Alcohol Screening Devices   Apr 20, 1995   Completed  
OST-49713 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs   Apr 19, 1995   Completed  
PS-101  Excavation damage prevention programs for gas and hazardous liquids and carbon dioxide pipelines   Mar 20, 1995   Completed  
PS-113 Operation and maintenance produres for piplines   Mar 17, 1995   Completed  
PS-126 Passage of intrumental internal inspection devices   Feb 7, 1995   Completed  
OST-50018 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs; Non-Evidential Alcohol Screening Devices   Jan 17, 1995   Completed  
OST-49384 Alcohol misuse prevention program   Dec 2, 1994   Completed  
OST-48498 Random Drug Testing Program   Dec 2, 1994   Completed  
PS-127 Regulatory review:  Hazardous liquid and carbon dioxide pipeline safety standards   Jun 28, 1994   Completed  
RIN 2137-AC21 Limitation on alcohol use by transportation workers   Feb 15, 1994   Completed  
OST-48513 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs   Feb 15, 1994   Completed  
PS-133 Emergency flow restricting devices/leak detection systems   Jan 19, 1994   Completed  
PS-129 Management Information System (MIS) For Workplace Drug Testing Programs   Dec 23, 1993   Completed  
PS-123 Leakage surveys on distribution lines located outside business districts   Oct 22, 1993   Completed  
PS-100 Gas detection and monitoring in compressor station buildings   Sep 16, 1993   Completed  
PS-131 Update of standards incorporated by reference; correction   Aug 27, 1993   Completed  
PS-119 Allocation Formula for State Grants   Feb 23, 1993   Completed  
OST-48637 Procedures for Transportation Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs   Feb 8, 1993   Completed  
PS-180 Response plans for onshore oil pipelines   Jan 5, 1993   Completed  
PS-115 Gas Pipeline Operating Above 72 Percent of Specified Minimum Yield Strength   Sep 9, 1992   Completed  
PS-120 Inspection and burial of offshore gas and hazardous liquid pipelines   Dec 5, 1991   Completed  
PS-112 Transportation of carbon dioxide by pipeline   Oct 8, 1991   Completed  
PS-122 Gas gathering line definition; Alternative definition for onshore lines and new safety standards   Sep 25, 1991   Completed  
PS-114 Amendment of an operators plans or procedures;   Aug 19, 1991   Completed  
PS-116 Grants for state pipeline safety programs; state adoption of one-call damage prevention program   Sep 20, 1990   Completed  
PS-93 Proposals for Pipeline Safety; Request for Comment   Jun 8, 1990   Completed  
OST-45928 Procedures for Transporation Workplace Druga and Alcohol Testing Programs   Dec 1, 1989   Completed  
OST-Docket-46574 Alcohol Abuse prevention program for the Transportation Industry   Nov 2, 1989   Completed  
PS-111 Transportation of gas or hazardous liquid by pipeline; new telephonic numbers for reporting incidents; accidents, and safety-related conditions   Oct 4, 1989   Completed  
PS-103 Transporting of gas by pipeline; Marking of materials   Aug 9, 1989   Completed  
PS-109 Transportation of gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Reporting Safety Related Conditions; Discovery of Conditions by Smart Pigs; Enforcement Rules   Aug 7, 1989   Completed  
PS-110 Pipeline Safety; Steel Pipe.   Aug 7, 1989   Completed  
PS-108 Incorporation by refence of portions of American Petroleum Institute Standard 1104, Seventeenth edition, 1988   Jul 28, 1989   Completed  
PS-97 Confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure; alternative method   Jun 19, 1989   Completed  
PS-95 Gas and hazardous liquid pipelines; referenced standards deletion affecting iron, steel, and copper pipe and other materials   Feb 6, 1989   Completed  
PS-98 Exception from pressure testing; non-welded tie-in joints   Feb 3, 1989   Completed  
PS-96 Reporting unsafe conditions on gas and hazardous liquid pipelines and liquified natural gas facilities.   Sep 8, 1988   Completed  
PS-99 Pipeline safety standards and procedures; Miscellaneous amendments.   Jan 21, 1988   Completed  
PS-84 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; confirmation or revision of maximum allowable operating pressure near certain occupied buildings and outside areas.   Sep 1, 1987   Completed  
PS-88 Gas pipeline damage prevention programs.   Aug 31, 1987   Completed  
PS-89 Fire protection and security of waterfront liquefied natural gas facilities.   Jan 8, 1987   Completed  
PS-92 Transporation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Exceptions from nondestructive testing of welds in transmission line repair   Nov 18, 1986   Completed  
PS-90 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline:  Period for Confirmation or Revision of MAOP   Oct 31, 1986   Completed  
PS-91  Interval for Review and Calculation of Relief Device Capacity   Jun 17, 1986   Completed  
PS-85 Transportation of hazardous liquids, gathering lines in rural areas   Jun 10, 1986   Completed  
PS-87 Transportation of gas or hazardous liquids by pipeline, welding requirements   Jun 4, 1986   Completed  
PS-67 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline: Interior Piping   May 20, 1986   Completed  
PS-86 Transporting of gas or hazardous liquid by pipeline; updating steel line pipe specifications   Apr 23, 1986   Completed  
PS-76 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Monitoring of External Corrosion Control   Jan 23, 1986   Completed  
none Hazardous materials regulations and Pipeline Safety Regulations; Office and Personnel designations; Delegation of Authority   Nov 1, 1985   Completed  
PS-80 Regulation of intrastate pipelines; Correction.   Sep 26, 1985   Completed  
PS-83 Transportation of gas or hazardous liquids by pipeline; nondestructive testing.    Sep 12, 1985   Completed  
PS-81 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline:  Ovality of Field Bends in Steel Pipe   Aug 26, 1985   Completed  
PS-82 Transportation of hazardous liquids by Pipeline;  Recordkeeping and accident reporting.   Aug 26, 1985   Completed  
PS-79 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline; Qualifications of welders.   Sep 20, 1984   Completed  
PS-77 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline;   Insolated Corrosion pitting   Sep 17, 1984   Completed  
PS-61 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Maps and Records   Sep 17, 1984   Completed  
PS-78 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline;  Design of pipeline components, general requirements.   May 10, 1984   Completed  
OPS-49 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Annual reports and incident reports.   May 3, 1984   Completed  
PS-58 Transportation of natural and other gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Temperature limits by pipeline; Temperature limits on steel pipe that has been cold expanded to meet the specified minimum yi   Mar 1, 1984   Completed  
PS-57 Monitoring of Gas Odor Level   Oct 27, 1983   Completed  
PS-74 Transportation of natural and other gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Repair and removal of girth weld defects.   Oct 20, 1983   Completed  
PS-64 Transportation of natural and other gas or hazardous liquids by pipeline; Qualification of metallic components.   Jul 5, 1983   Completed  
PS-69 Transportation of natural and other gas or hazardous liquids by pipeline; Line marking at navigable waterways.   Jun 6, 1983   Completed  
PS-59 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Damage prevention program.   Apr 1, 1983   Completed  
PS-62 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Leakage Surveys   Mar 14, 1983   Completed  
PS-72 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline; Retention of radiographic film.   Mar 3, 1983   Completed  
PS-75 Transportation of  hazardous liquids by pipeline; Weld filler metal.   Dec 9, 1982   Completed  
PS-54 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Technical amendment; Corrrection   Nov 4, 1982   Completed  
PS-73 Transportation of natural and other gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Inspection and Test Intervals.   Oct 21, 1982   Completed  
PS-65 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Incorporation by Reference.   Oct 7, 1982   Completed  
OPSO-46 Liquified Natural Gas Facilities; Federal Safety Standards   Aug 5, 1982   Completed  
PS-70 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline; Correction.   Jul 29, 1982   Completed  
PS-71 Transportation of natural and other gas and hazardous liquids by pipeline; Change of telephone number and addresses for Reporting leaks and Accidents   Jul 29, 1982   Completed  
PS-60 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline; Hot taps in gas pipelines   Jun 14, 1982   Completed  
OPSO-37 Transportation of Natural gas and other gas by pipeline; Metal alloy fittings in plastic pipes.   Mar 8, 1982   Completed  
PS-66 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline, Transportation of liquids by pipeline; Placing Longitudinal Weld Seams in Upper Half of Pipe   Feb 16, 1982   Completed  
PS-68 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Reports of leaks and Federal Safety Standards   Jul 20, 1981   Completed  
PS-56A Transportation of liquids by pipeline; Addition of water to pipelines transporting Anhydrous Ammonia   Apr 6, 1981   Completed  
PS-53 Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline; Valve spacing on Pipelines carrying HVL   Jan 8, 1981   Completed  
OPSO-48 Testing Highly Volatile Liquid Pipelines   Sep 8, 1980   Completed  
PS-63 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline; Hydrostatic Testing   Sep 8, 1980   Completed  
PS-55 Testing Highly Volatile Liquid Pipelines   Sep 8, 1980   Completed  
PS-52 Transportation of natural gas and other gas by pipeline; Separately protected service lines   Apr 7, 1980   Completed  
MTB-3 Pipeline Safety Enforcement Procedures   Mar 27, 1980   Completed  
OPS-30 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipelines; Repair of transmission lines   Jan 17, 1980   Completed  
PS-51 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline; Reconsideration of Procedures for Operations, Maintenance and Emergencies   Dec 6, 1979   Completed  
OPSO-39 Pipeline Occupational Safety and Health Standards; Advance notice of proposed rulemaking   May 17, 1979   Completed  
PS-56 Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline; Highly Volatile Liquids   Feb 5, 1979   Completed  
OPSO-42 Transportation of natural or other gas by pipeline; Design of Plastic Pipelines   Sep 25, 1978   Completed  
OPS-29 Recommendations by NTSB   Sep 21, 1978   Completed  
OPS-31 Transporatation of natural and other gas by pipeline: Definition of gathering lines   Sep 21, 1978   Completed  
PS-50 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Corrosion Control Requirements   Sep 5, 1978   Completed  
OPSO-77-10 "Part 192 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline   Part 195 Transportation of liquids by Pipeline:   Qualification and Design of Steel Pipe"   Jun 28, 1978   Completed  
OPSO-77-4  Transportation of liquids by pipeline Conversion of existing pipelines; General Requirements   Feb 16, 1978   Completed  
OPSO-77-3 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Conversion of Existing Pipelines to Gas Service   Nov 25, 1977   Completed  
OPSO-38 Transportation of liquids by Pipeline; Longintudinal seams in Pipebends; Correction   Nov 25, 1977   Completed  
OPSO-47 Gas Pipeline Safety Program: Grant-in-Aid Program   Sep 26, 1977   Completed  
OPS-18 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Federal minimum standards; Line markers for Mains and Transmission lines   Dec 30, 1976   Completed  
OPSO-35 Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline; Offshore pipeline facilities; correction   Sep 30, 1976   Completed  
OPS-23 Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline; Bending limitations   Jun 24, 1976   Completed  
OPSO-36 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline; Caulked bell and spigot joints   Jun 11, 1976   Completed  
OPSO-34 Transportation of natural and other gas and liquids by Pipeline; Incorporation by Reference   Mar 31, 1976   Completed  
MTB-1 Establishment of Materials Transportation Bureau & Rulemaking Procedures   Jul 29, 1975   Completed  
OPS-25A "Part 192-Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Standards    Part 195-Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline:  Welding Requirements"   Jun 27, 1975   Completed  
OPS-26 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Standards; Qualification of pipe transported by railroad   Jun 6, 1975   Completed  
OPS-24 Transporation of natural and other gas by pipeline minimum Federal standards; Odorization of gas in transmission lines   May 9, 1975   Completed  
OPS-27 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Federal Minimum Standards; Qualification for use of plastic pipe   Mar 6, 1975   Completed  
OPS-25 Transportation of Natural and other gas and liquids by Pipeline; Welding Requirements   Mar 5, 1975   Completed  
OPS-3E Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Gas Pipelines O&M requirements, Odorazation of Gas in Transmission Lines   Dec 31, 1974   Completed  
HM-6B Transportation of liquid by pipeline; Movement of pipelines containing liquified gases   Jun 4, 1974   Completed  
OPS-9 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Standards:  Definition of a Service Line   Apr 10, 1973   Completed  
HM6-C Transportation of liquid by pipeline; Telephonic accident reports   Mar 16, 1973   Completed  
OPS-15 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Minimum Federal Standards; Qualification for Pipe   Feb 22, 1973   Completed  
OPS-22 Part 195 Transportation of liquids by Pipeline:  Change of Authority Regarding Safety of Liquid Pipelines   Jan 31, 1973   Completed  
OPS-13 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards:  Modification of Pressure Relief Limitations   Nov 4, 1972   Completed  
OPS-20 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards:  Mechanically Coupled Repairs Sleeves   Oct 14, 1972   Completed  
OPS-14 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards:  Liquified Natural Gas Systems   Oct 13, 1972   Completed  
OPS-10 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards:  Deactivation of Service Lines   Oct 4, 1972   Completed  
HM-6D Transportation of liquids by Pipeline; Testing of relief valves on storage tanks   Sep 15, 1972   Completed  
OPS-17 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; Reports of Leaks:  Elimination of annual report requirement for small petroleum gas distribution systems   Jan 26, 1972   Completed  
OPS-11 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Minimum  Federal Safety Standards; Extension of time for Confirmation of Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure   Sep 10, 1971   Completed  
OPS-5 Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Gas Pipelines: Requirements for Corrosion Control   Jun 30, 1971   Completed  
OPS-3 Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline:  Definition of Service Line   May 27, 1971   Completed  
HM-6 Transportation of liquids by pipeline; Testing with transported commodities   May 4, 1971   Completed  
OPS-2 Transportation of natural and other gas by Pipeline; Reports of Leaks   Apr 20, 1971   Completed  
OPS-7 Rulemaking Procedures for Gas Pipeline Regulations   Jan 21, 1971   Completed  
OPS-6 Rulemaking Procedures for Gas Pipeline Regulations   Dec 23, 1970   Completed  
OPS-4 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Minimum Federal Standards; Filing of Inspections and Maintenance Plans   Oct 21, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3A Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Gas Pipelines  Extention of Comment Period   Apr 9, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3F Minimum Federal Safety Standars for Gas Pipelines Testing and Uprating   Apr 8, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3G Minimum Federal Safety Standards for Gas Pipelines Definitions; Materials; and Pipe, Piping System Components and Facilities Design   Apr 8, 1970   Completed  
OST-2-4, 15-16 Transportation of Liquids by Pipeline; Miscellaneous Amendments to Subtitle   Mar 31, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3D Minimum Pipeline Safety Standards for Gas Pipelines Class location Definitions   Mar 24, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3C Gas Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards: Minimum Requirements for Customer Meters, Service Regulators and Service Lines   Mar 12, 1970   Completed  
OPS-3B Gas Pipeline Minimum Federal Safety Standards General Construction Requirements   Feb 20, 1970   Completed  
HM-6A Transportation of Highly Volatile Liquids by Pipeline; Request for Public Advice; Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking   Apr 23, 1969   Completed  
OPS-1 Interim Minimum Federal Safety Standards for the Transporation of natural and other gas by pipeline   Nov 12, 1968   Completed  
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