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Geologic Names Lexicon

GEOLEX is a search tool for lithologic and geochronologic unit names.
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GEOLEX completion thermometer 75 percent
Completion status of the Database

The Geolex database contains 16,072 entries. 75% of the unit names from the USGS Geologic Names Committee (GNC) card catalog have been entered in the database. Several thousand unit names remain to be checked and entered.

90% of the unit names from the CD-ROM, "Stratigraphic Nomenclature Databases for the United States, its Possessions and Territories," DDS-6, 1996, USGS, have been entered.

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Your are welcome.

The National Geologic Map Database and GEOLEX are managed by the USGS's National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program in cooperation with the Association of American State Geologists.

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Database project personnel.
Last Modified : July 20, 2012
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