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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Please click this link to send us your question by e-mail

Please click here to join Export Iraq – U.S. Commercial Service, a LinkedIn Group we’ve created for information sharing and soliciting feedback among appropriate members.

We receive emails from time to time from clients and visitors asking questions.

These FAQs “Frequently Asked Questions” are on our web site to provide answers to your questions in advance.

Please review the list to see if your question is answered here before sending us an email.  If your question is not fully answered, then by all means, please click this link to send us a question by e-mail.

While we try to answer all questions within 48 hours, we receive numerous visitors a month to www.export.gov/iraq, so sometimes our responses may not be as prompt as we would like.  Rest assured, however, that we will try to respond to all legitimate inquiries. We may not know the answer(s), but we can certainly help you find them.

Doing Business in Iraq

Embassy Schedule and Holidays

When Should I Travel to Iraq?

List of Security Services Firms

Finding Buyers in Iraq

Find Suppliers in the United States

Project Tenders in Iraq

Register for Active Iraq Tender Alerts Service

Import Duties -- USA

For U.S. Citizens

Overseas Voter Registration

American Citizen Services in Baghdad

Weather in Iraq

For U.S. Companies

Business Customs 

Travel and Security Guidance from the US Embassy

Before Your Trip -- Guidance from the US-Iraq Business Council

How Do I Export to Iraq?

How Do I Register My Company in Iraq?

How Do I Learn About Project Tenders in Iraq? 

When Should I Travel to Iraq?

For Iraqi Companies

Import Duties -- USA

How do I find information about potential US business partners?