Welcome to the official website of Nepal Rastra Bank (NRB).

NRB, the central bank of Nepal, established in 1956 under the Nepal Rastra Bank Act 1955 is the monetary, regulatory and supervisory authority of banks and financial institutions. The new Nepal Rastra Bank Act 2002 which replaces the erstwhile Act has ensured operational autonomy and independence to the Bank. Key objectives of the Bank are to achieve price and balance of payments stability, manage liquidity and ensure financial stability, develop a sound payments system, and promote financial services. The Board of Directors, chaired by the Governor, is the apex body of policy making and the Governor also discharges his duty as the chief executive of the Bank. Information about the NRB including its policies, functions and activities can be accessed through the menu at the left.

Governer Dr. Khatiwada visits Japan for IMF/World Bank Annual Meeting 2012.pdf
Governor-Director General of ADB Meet
Interaction on Base Rate Framework
Governor Dr. Khatiwada meets IMF mission
• Listing Notice for Interior Designer / Decorators
• Investment Notice 2069/06/19
• Notice for Quotation for Data Entry work in NRB Library Software
• The Share of Kathmandu Valley in the National Economy 20120830
• Report by Nepal Rastra Bank Task Force Foreign Bank Branches and the Health and Stability of Nepal's Financial System
• Real Estate Survey Data Sheet, 2068
• Monetary Policy (in Nepali) 2069-70 Summary
• Monetary Policy (in Nepali) 2069-70 Full Text
• Monetary Policy (in Nepali) 2068-69 Summary
• Monetary Policy (in English) 2068-69 Mid Term Review (Summary)
• Monetary Policy (in English) 2012-13 Report
• Monetary Policy (in English) 2011-12 Report
• Recent Macroeconomic Situation (Nepali) 2069-06 Text (Based on First Month Data of 2069-70) 
• Recent Macroeconomic Situation (Nepali) 2069-05 Text (Based on Annual Data of 2068-69)
• Recent Macroeconomic Situation (English) 2069-06 Text (Based on First Month Data of 2069-70) 
• Recent Macroeconomic Situation (English) 2069-06 Table (Based on First Data of 2069-70) 
• Miscellaneous Press Release on 4th Household Budget Survey in Nepali
• Miscellaneous Press Release on 4th Household Budget Survey in English
Foreign Exchange Rates
10 October, 2012
Currency Buy Sell
USD 83.90 84.50
EUR 108.57 109.34
GBP 134.37 135.34
AUD 85.66 86.27
SGD 68.28 68.77
more ...

Current Money and Financial Market Rates

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