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Student's Visa Interview

Although you should remember to bring all potentially useful documents, it is also important to remember that the visa interview is a conversation, not a document review session.  The burden of proof is on you personally to show that you intend to return to your country of residence after your studies. The best thing that you can do is to clearly articulate —

  1. Why you want to go to the specific school
  2. What you plan to study
  3. How you plan to use your education when you return.

Be ready to cover this information in no more than 3 to 5 sentences, and practice saying those sentences with family and friends until you become comfortable with the English. Here are some of the types of questions that you might be asked:

  • Why have you chosen this university?
  • Who will sponsor your education?
  • Do you intend to work in the U.S.?
  • What are your plans after finishing the degree?
  • What was your TOEFL score?

Also important, as for any first conversation, is to dress nicely and smile.

In regard to documents, it is better to have too many documents than to have too few. Just keep them in order so you can find whatever you may need!

  • How do I make a visa interview appointment at the Embassy?

    How do I make a visa interview appointment at the Embassy?

    As a student with a valid I-20 or DS-2019 form, you are not required to make an appointment. Applicants applying for student visas may arrive at the Embassy any Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 8:00 to 10:00 am (except holidays).  Please bring the barcode confirmation page, I-20 or DS-2019, visa fee receipt, SEVIS fee payment, photograph, passport, and any other supporting documents.

  • How long will my visa interview last?

    How long will my visa interview last?

    The time available for a consular officer to talk with you will be quite brief (perhaps one to three minutes) because of the volume of visa cases that need to be processed daily in most U.S. consulates. Because of such time limits, good organization of your materials and short, direct answers to questions will be appreciated by the consular officer.

  • I don’t know yet what I want to do in the future. How do I explain this in my visa interview — or should I just make up something that sounds good?

    I don’t know yet what I want to do in the future. How do I explain this in my visa interview — or should I just make up something that sounds good?

    It’s not uncommon for students, especially undergraduate students, not yet to have firm career plans. Many U.S. undergraduates do not decide on a major until their second or third year of study. However, you probably do have some thoughts as to your most likely career options, and you can briefly outline these. Be honest—describing plans that, however practical, don’t match your real interests may raise concerns about your honesty in general.

  • What are the consequences if I don’t tell the truth during a visa interview?

    What are the consequences if I don’t tell the truth during a visa interview?

    Applicants who provide incorrect information or fraudulent documents during their interviews may become permanently ineligible to receive a visa. (The same goes for individuals who help applicants provide false information.) All approved visa applications are checked against computer records to verify that information presented on the application was presented truthfully.

  • Can my parents/sponsor come to my visa interview?

    Can my parents/sponsor come to my visa interview?

    The visa officer will want to speak directly with you, the applicant, and you should speak for yourself in order to make a good impression. It is not recommended that you bring along other people for your interview—if you think that the officer may have questions for a sponsor or someone else directly involved in the visa application, they can attend the interview, but you should be the one answering questions unless the officer specifically wants to hear from them.

  • What if I am worried about my English abilities? Can I bring someone along who speaks better English to the visa interview?

    What if I am worried about my English abilities? Can I bring someone along who speaks better English to the visa interview?

    Your English level is required to be good enough for you to participate in your academic program. Therefore it is a mistake to bring along someone to interpret for you. Even if you are planning to enter an English language program and therefore do not need very strong English language skills, you will not need and should not bring your own interpreter—there will be someone at the consulate to interpret as necessary.