
Bill Kling Floor Statement

Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate the life of a beloved member of our South Florida veterans community, William “Bill” Kling, who passed away on August 6th at the age of 84. Bill was a devoted husband and father, and...

Floor Statement - No Co-Pay Day

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to commemorate No Co-Pay Day.Today marks a victory for women’s health care. Some 47 million women will now be able to get preventative services that couldn’t before this rule went into effect. Any new insurance...

Floor Statement - Moment of Silence at the 2012 Olympic Games

Mr. Speaker, I rise today in support of a moment of silence during the 2012 Olympic Games for the victims of the 1972 Munich attack.Tonight, as millions of people around the world tune in to watch the opening ceremonies of...

Pembroke Pines Memorial Day Ceremony

Friends, we come together today, as we do each Memorial Day, to solemnly honor all Americans who have made the ultimate sacrifice – with their own lives – in defense of our great nation.These brave men and women have nobly...

Common Sense Media Panel Remarks

Good morning! Thank you to the entire Common Sense team for inviting me here this morning, and for all the work you do on behalf of our nation’s children. I’m thrilled to be here introducing this esteemed panel. As a...

Teacher Appreciation Week Floor Statement

Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the teachers of Broward and Miami-Dade Counties during National Teacher Appreciation Week, taking place this year from May 7 through May 11, 2012. This week affords students, parents, and communities across the...

Wasserman Schultz Speaks Out on Oil Drilling

Floor Statement Opposing HR 3408 
February 16, 2012 Mr. Speaker,I rise in strong opposition to the so-called “PIONEER” Act that among other things, repeals the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act, or “GOMESA.”It’s hard to believe that the lessons of the Deepwater...

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Anniversary

Mr. Speaker, this weekend we celebrated an important anniversary in our nation’s history.Three years ago, only nine days after taking the oath of office, President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law. It was the first...

Wasserman Schultz urges colleagues to honor Gabe Zimmerman

 Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz floor speech on House Resolution 364, designating HVC 215 of the Capitol Visitor Center as the Gabriel Zimmerman Meeting Room.  Madam Speaker, I rise today to offer House Resolution 364, designating HVC 215 of the Capitol...

5th ANNUAL NATIONAL DROWNING SYMPOSIUM 2006 The Need for Federal Pool Safety Legislation

Ft. Myers Beach , FL - January 27, 2006 Introduction/ Acknowledgements Good afternoon. I’m delighted to be here with you today. Diane, thank you for the warm introduction and for the important work that you do in Lee County to...

Speech to Harvard Model Congress Youth Participation In Politics

March 4, 2006 Thank you, Patricia, for your kind introduction. To the Co-Presidents, faculty and students and most of all to the participants of the Harvard Model Congress, it is an official and personal privilege to be with you today....

Stennis Center for Public Service Southern Women in Public Service Conference Women and Politics

Nashville, TN - May 7, 2006 Good Evening! Thank you Ann for your warm introduction. To the generous sponsors and organizers of the Stennis Center for Public Service, thank you for investing in women! I know that you have all...


The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. Wasserman Schultz) is recognized for 5 minutes. Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. Speaker, there is nothing more painful than a senseless death, particularly when a...

University of Florida Levin College of Law Journal of Technology & Law Policy

December 2008 "Our Space: Protecting Children in the Internet Age" Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz As proud as I am to represent South Florida in the House of Representatives, the job closest to my heart is being a mother to my...

Everglades Restoration and the Role of the Federal Government Everglades Coalition Annual Conference

January 10, 2009- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Good afternoon and thank you Manley Fuller for that wonderful introduction. I'm thrilled to be here with all of you today to talk about a subject that I know is near and dear...


February 2, 2009- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Good afternoon! Thank you, Jon Stage, for your warm introduction. It is a pleasure to be with you today.And thank you to the Broward County Federal Bar Association for having me here....


Miami , FL - February 23, 2009- Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Introduction Good morning! Thank you, Johnny [Johnny Johnson], for your warm introduction. It is a pleasure to be with you today. And thank you for your leadership of the...

Susan G. Komen for the Cure "Every Woman Should Know"

Good evening! Thank you so much! And thank you, Ambassador Brinker, not only for your kind words but for the passion you've brought to this fight for nearly 30 years. And for building an organization like no other-the largest and...

Floor Statement on National Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Madam Speaker,         This week we observe National Eating Disorders Awareness Week; an opportunity for all Americans to educate themselves about unhealthy eating habits and arm themselves with the tools they need to stay healthy.Unfortunately, in today’s society,...

Floor Statement on Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009

Madame Speaker,I met Lilly Ledbetter during a Judiciary Committee hearing in 2007. She told me how it was only after 20 years of working at Goodyear, that she learned of the long-standing pay discrimination against her. Immediately upon learning this, Lilly...

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