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Specialist Program

Fulbright Specialist Program for Latvian Academic Institutions

Latvian universities and institutes that are interested in hosting a Fulbright Specialist (a U.S. professor, scholar or other professional) for two to six weeks are encouraged to contact U.S. Embassy Riga.

The Fulbright Specialists Program (FSP) promotes linkages between U.S. academics and professionals and their counterparts at universities abroad. The program is designed to award grants to qualified U.S. faculty and professionals in select disciplines and to engage in short-term collaborative 2 to 6 week projects at higher education institutions in over 100 countries worldwide. International travel costs and an honorarium are funded by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Participating host universities cover grantee in-country expenses or provide in-kind services.

Project activities include teacher training, short-term lecturing, conducting seminars, special conferences or workshops, as well as collaborating on curriculum planning, institutional and/or faculty development.

Latvian Academic Institutions that wish to host a Fulbright Specialist submit should submit a project application through the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Sections in Latvia. Please click on the Council for International Exchange of Scholars site for more information.

Complete applications should be sent by e-mail to Ingrida Bodniece,

For more information, please contact the U.S. Embassy Public Affairs Section, phone: 6710 7209.

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