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Elections 2012

U.S. Elections 2012

Background materials for the election and election process in the United States of America:



 U.S. Elections News

eJournal USA

Pamphlets on U.S. Elections

  • USA Elections in Brief -- This revised 2012 edition sketches the way primary and general elections work, not only the role of political parties, but also the nuts and bolts of voting machines and poll workers, opinion polls and campaign finance.

  • U.S. Elections: U.S. Political Parties  -- While the excitement on the political party convention floor is genuine, virtually every moment of the event is scripted and choreographed to have maximum impact on television, computer and smartphone screens.
  • U.S. Elections: Media and Campaigns -- Americans get their election campaign news from broadcast news programs, television comedy shows, websites and many other sources besides their local daily newspaper.
  • U.S. Elections: Social Media  -- In 2012 use of social media has become central to campaigning for national political office.
  • U.S. Elections: Women in Politics  -- As early as 1776, women in the United States were seeking equality in the arena of politics.
  • U.S. Elections: A Diverse Electorate -- The voters to whom presidential candidates must appeal in 2012 have changed since Barack Obama was elected in 2008.

More Videos - U.S. Elections Explained Series

U.S. Embassy Athens Voting PSA

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Election Videos

  • Elections 2012: The Electoral College YouTube The Electoral College is not a place, it's the process that takes place to election the President of the United States. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution. This video explains the process and what it is designed to achieve.
  • Elections Day The U.S. general election takes place on 06 November 2012. This video sets out what happens on election day. It is part of a series of videos from the U.S. Embassy explaining the U.S. electoral system.
  • The Road to the White House Video screenshot
    The Road to the White House

    How does the American presidential election work? This video explains the start of the process,picking the candidates.   The transcript ishere