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Pacific Northwest National Laboratory American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act at PNNL

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ARRA News

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is helping strengthen America’s scientific foundation at the Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and building new capabilities that benefit the global scientific community.

Funding from the Recovery Act, sometimes called ARRA, is supporting a number of research areas at PNNL, including:

  • Climate research
  • High-efficiency lighting technologies
  • Permanent underground storage of carbon dioxide
  • Developing a smarter electric grid that adapts power delivery to supply and demand.

The funding is also fast-forwarding the purchase of world-class instruments that strengthen scientific capabilities available to the scientific community. Combined with research project funding, the new tools are providing more opportunities for PNNL scientists to make discoveries that can improve the quality of our lives in the future. These tools and enhancements support the missions of two DOE national scientific user facilities managed by PNNL for DOE - the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, which is located at PNNL, and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facility.

As of September 30, 2010, the equivalent of 105 PNNL directly funded FTEs were created with Recovery Act funding, plus 197.7 additional FTEs from subcontractors. About $229.6 million has been directly awarded to PNNL through September 30, 2010. About $97.7 million more had also been awarded to BMI under the 1831 contract.*

In keeping with one of the Recovery Act's primary missions, all stimulus-funded activities at PNNL are providing "investments needed to increase economic efficiency by spurring technological advances in science." (Source: Recovery Act, Jan. 6, 2009)

*These job numbers reflect only the jobs directly created or saved by ARRA funding. Additional job and economic impact is likely created throughout the economy that is difficult to track.

If you have questions about the Recovery Act at PNNL that aren’t answered on this website, please contact:

Recovery Act at PNNL

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