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Information for Canadians

Canadian citizens do not require a visa to enter the United States directly from Canada for the purposes of visiting or studying. However, as of 23 January 2007, all Canadians entering the U.S. require passports. For further information on passport requirements, please consult the relevant page on this site.

There are some exceptions to this rule -- for example, intending immigrants, fiances or investors must qualify for a visa before entry in the same manner as other nationalities. Other entrants, such as journalists, temporary workers or NAFTA professionals must present all necessary supporting documentation and/or approved petitions directly to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officer at the Port of Entry. For information on Visas or Doing Business in the United States, please see the relevant sections of this website.

Please be sure to check the U.S. Customs and Border Protection web site for the latest updates on U.S. entry requirements for Canadians and others.

Canadian visitors are generally granted a stay in the U.S. for up to six months at the time of entry. Requests to extend or adjust a stay must be made prior to expiry to the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. All Canadians are reminded that U.S. law requires all foreigners to qualify for the desired stay and purpose at the time of their initial entry. A visitor who intends to live, work or study in the U.S. without disclosing this information beforehand may be permanently barred from the U.S.

For general information about immigration to or residency in the United States, please consult Travel.State.Gov.

More detailed information for Canadians traveling to the U.S. is available from the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.

Members of Canada's First Nations and Native Americans born in Canada may travel freely across the U.S/Canada border under the terms of the Jay Treaty. Click here for more information

Some persons born abroad have a claim to U.S. citizenship. This site contains information for people interested in claiming U.S. citizenship, as well as information on Dual Citizenship.

For information on consular fees, please consult the fee schedule.