1.5 : Generic Fuel Quad and Comparison

1.5.2 Consumption Comparisons in 2010
One quad equals:
- 50.2 million short tons of coal
= enough coal to fill a train of railroad cars 4,123 miles long (about one and a half times across the U.S.)
- 974.7 billion cubic feet natural gas
- 8.2 billion gallons of gasoline = 21.2 days of U.S. gasoline use
= 22.89 million passenger cars each driven 12,400 miles
= 20.12 million light-duty vehicles each driven 12,200 miles
= all new passenger cars sold, each driven 50,000 miles
= 13.69 million stock passenger cars, each driven 11,500 miles = 10% of all passenger cars, each driven 11,500 miles
= all new passenger cars each making 9 round-trips from New York to Los Angeles
- 172.4 million barrels of crude oil = 14.45 days of U.S. imports = 245 days of oil flow in the Alaska pipeline at full capacity
= the amount of crude oil transported by 483 supertankers
- 16.8 hours of world energy use
- the electricity delivered from 258 coal-fired power plants (200-MW each) in one year
- the electricity delivered from 37 nuclear power plants (1000-MW each) in one year
- average annual per capita consumption of 3.17 million people in the U.S.
- the approximate annual primary consumption of any one of the following states: Arkansas, Mississippi, Kansas, Oregon (1)
Note(s): 1) All states listed have annual energy consumption that is within 20% of one quad. Consumption numbers for states are from 2009.


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