1.2 : Building Sector Expenditures

1.2.7 2025 Buildings Energy End-Use Expenditure Splits, by Fuel Type ($2010 Billion) (1)
Natural Petroleum
Gas Distil. Resid. LPG Oth(2) Total Coal Electricity Total Percent
Space Heating (3) 56.7 14.3 1.5 7.8 0.7 24.3 0.2 19.5 100.7 22.0%
Space Cooling 0.3 50.5 50.9 11.1%
Lighting 45.2 45.2 9.9%
Water Heating 21.3 2.3 1.3 3.6 19.6 44.4 9.7%
Refrigeration (4) 24.9 24.9 5.4%
Electronics (5) 23.2 23.2 5.1%
Computers 13.2 13.2 2.9%
Wet Clean (6) 0.8 9.8 10.5 2.3%
Cooking 4.8 0.8 0.8 4.9 10.5 2.3%
Ventilation (7) 16.6 16.6 3.6%
Other (8) 4.8 0.4 10.6 1.7 12.7 69.8 87.4 19.1%
Adjust to SEDS (9) 5.9 4.9       4.9   19.2 30.0 6.6%
Total 94.6 21.9 1.5 20.6 2.5 46.4 0.2 316.3 457.4 100%
Note(s): 1) Expenditures include coal and exclude wood. 2) Includes kerosene space heating ($0.7 billion) and motor gasoline other uses ($1.7 billion). 3) Includes furnace fans ($4.7 billion). 4) Includes refrigerators ($22.3 billion) and freezers ($2.6 billion). 5) Includes color televisions ($12.0 billion). 6) Includes clothes washers ($0.8 billion), natural gas clothes dryers ($0.8 billion), electric clothes dryers ($5.8 billion) and dishwashers ($3.2 billion). 7) Commercial only; residential fan and pump energy use included proportionately in space heating and cooling. 8) Includes residential small electric devices, heating elements, motors, swimming pool heaters, hot tub heaters, outdoor grills, and natural gas outdoor lighting. Includes commercial services station equipment, ATMs, telecommunications equipment, medical equipment, pumps, lighting, emergency electric generators, and manufacturing performed in commercial buildings. 9) Expenditures related to an energy adjustment that EIA uses to relieve discrepancies between data sources. Refers to energy attributable to the residential and commercial buildings sectors, but not directly to specific end-uses.


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EIA, National Energy Modeling System (NEMS) for AEO 2012 Early Release, Jan. 2012